A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

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A Clockwork Orange is a book written by Anthony Burgess. It takes place in a somewhat futuristic Britain. The book is written with the point of view of the anti-hero, Alex. Alex is a 16 year old criminal who is involved in rape, violence, murder and robbery throughout the book. The book is divided into three parts, each part with seven chapters (three times seven is twenty-one, the official age of adulthood in Britain, where the book takes place). The first half of the book focuses on Alex’s criminal lifestyle, the second focuses on Alex’s rehabilitation in prison, and the third is based on Alex’s entry back into society.

The novel opens with Alex and his gang (he calls the three members “droogs”), Pete, Georgie, and Dim, at a milk bar. This milk bar is a regular hangout for Alex and his droogs, because the bar serves drug-laced milk. After drinking the spiked milk (Alex proclaims it will make him sharp and ready for violence), the boys assault an old scholar and rob a candy store. They then violently assault an old drunken vagrant with vicious force. Alex tells the reader he is enjoying his usual acts of violence. Alex’s enjoyment is boosted further when he comes across Billy Boy. Billy Boy is another teenager with an equally notorious gang, although they are more brute force and lack the brains Alex and Georgie have. About to rape a young girl with his friends around, Billy Boy sees Alex just before Alex ridicules him and mocks him. Billy Boy gets angry and the two groups break out into conflict. Alex’s group is more prepared and eventually rescues the young girl and scare away Billy Boy and his group. After robbing a store, the boys head out into the country on a stolen car. They stop at a small cottage, where they meet a writer named F. Alexander (very important to the story, in fact), who is writing a novel named “A Clockwork Orange”. Alex is disgusted by the lack of logic in the title, so he rips up the manuscript, disorganizes the house and rapes F. Alexander’s wife with him watching. After heading back to the city and escaping, Alex and his droogs decide they have had enough for one night and Alex retires to his home. After making up an excuse to stay home from school, he is paid a visit from his parole officer, named P.

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