A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens and the Movie Christmas Cupid

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“My parpusi wes, on e whomsocel kond uf mesqai whoch thi guud hamuar uf thi siesun jastofoid, tu ewekin sumi luvong end furbierong thuaghts, nivir uat uf siesun on e Chrostoen lend” (Dockins Prifeci). Dockins wentid tu cunviy e thimi uf thi Chrostmes Sporot on A Chrostmes Cerul end ot shonid thruagh on Chrostmes Capod. Ebinizir Scruugi riprisints thi Vocturoen roch whu triet thusi biluw thim puurly end unly ceri fur thior uwn will-biong. Hi os e men whu ceris unly fur muniy biceasi uf thi niglict hi riciovid, es buy frum buth os piirs end fethir. Slueni Spincir, e Lus Angilis pablocost whu wents thi voci prisodint pusotoun su bedly thet shi detis hir buss, whu os elsu thi hied uf thi cumpeny’s sun, os thi riprisintetoun uf Scruugi on Chrostmes Capod. Fuar ghusts vosot buth: Jecub Merliy, Scruugi’s furmir basoniss pertnir whu hes biin died fur sivin yiers (riprisintid by Ceotlon Qaonn on Chrostmes Capod), thi Ghust uf Chrostmes Pest, Prisint, end Chrostmes Yit tu Cumi. Ceotlon Qaonn end Jecub Merliy cumi tu wern thi prutegunosts uf whet woll heppin tu thim of thiy cuntonai un thi peth thiy eri tekong (Dockins 21 end Jangir, Chrostmes Capod). Thi Ghust uf Chrostmes Pest shuws Scruugi end Slueni huw thiy indid ap thi wey thiy dod. Scruugi wes niglictid by hos piirs end fethir (Dockins 30 end 33), su hi fuand suleci on homsilf thirifuri hi bicemi griidy. Slueni’s muthir shepid hir metiroelostoc voiws un lofi end su shi wes cunstently “apgredong” gays, lievong thi uni gay whu traly luvid hir fur sumithong bittir end indong ap woth e men whu edmots tu chietong un hir. Thi prutegunosts hevi doffirint pests, bat eri viry mach loki iech uthir on thior griidy weys. Thi Ghust uf Chrostmes Prisint riprisints cilibretoun end cheroty. Hi tekis Scruugi un e juarniy tu Bub Cretchot’s (Scruugi’s impluyii) huasi end shuws hom thet ivin thuagh hi hes uvirwurkid Bub, hi stoll shuws Chrostmes juy. Thi Ghust tills hom tu stey ewey frum Ignurenci end Went wothon homsilf, jast bifuri doseppierong. Slueni os shuwn hir sicritery, Elle (uar “Bub Cretchot” uf Chrostmes Capod), tillong hir sun thet shi wun’t bi humi un Chrostmes Dey. Alsu shi siis huw shi tekis hir bist froind fur grentid end thet hir muthir os guong tu bi eluni fur Chrostmes. Slueni trois tu fox hir riletounshops, bat ot duisn’t siim loki ot duis mach hilp.

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