A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer

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In the book “A Child Called It” by Dave Pelzer, Dave is remembering his childhood, and the point it turned into a living nightmare, one in which his once loving mother falls prey to her alcoholism. Dave had a joyful childhood for a while, a loving mother and father and brothers he could play with. It was when his mother’s addiction and his father’s cowardice began, that Dave’s life was irrevocably changed. Dave became the sole target of his mother’s abuse, he was put through extreme torture, physical, metal, and emotional. Even at his young age Dave realized he needed to fight to survive. Dave resorted to stealing food and mowing lawns to keep himself out of his mother path. Even when Dave was doing everything his mother asked of him, she would still find a reason to punish him. At first Dave’s father tried to help Dave, which in turn made Dave’s mother even angrier. After a while Dave’s father couldn't even be at home anymore, leaving Dave to suffer alone, not that he was much help anyway, but once his father left Dave’s life became even more unbearable. Dave’s brothers at this poin...

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