A Case Study of T.C.: Asperger's Syndrome

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Case History: T.C. is a 13 year old, 2 month old girl in the seventh grade. T.C. lives with her parents and she is the oldest of three children. T.C.’s prenatal and birth history was unremarkable. T.C. was normal developing until 18 months old. By 18 months old it was apparent that T.C. was delayed in speech. In addition, she walked on her toes, did not make eye contact with others, had a terrible fear of loud sounds, cried frequently, and was a poor sleeper. She was evaluated before her second birthday and was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome or related pervasion developmental disorders and has profound difficulty with social interaction. She has received speech therapy, with an emphasis on social skills training, intense therapeutic therapy, and occupational therapy. T.C. is in a regular seventh grade classroom with an aide to assist her throughout her day. Long term objectives: T.C will socialize and converse adequately with her peers, maintain a conversation, introduce topics for conversations, and be able to compliment others in 6 months appropriately 80% of the time. Short term objectives: T.C. will have good conversation skills while using the correct social context, asking questions and commenting, building on a conversation to keep the conversation going, when it is appropriate to compliment someone and phone skills over 10 sessions, twice weekly, approximately 90% of the time. Observations: T.C. is a 13 year old girl in the 7th grade. T.C. is receiving therapy to enhance her social and pragmatic skills. Over the sessions observed, different techniques were taught. Session #1: The speech language pathologist (SLP) modeled and role-played different types of voice tone. According to Jed Baker (2003), when demonstrat... ... middle of paper ... ...kills, it is pivotal for the SLP to work in a collaborative effort with the students’ teachers to endure an open line of communication to address any concerns and/or progress. Works Cited Baker, J. (2003). Social Skills Training for Children and Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome and Social-Communcation Problems. Shawnee Mission: Autism Asperger Publishing Company. Cummings, T. H. (2008). Social Skills Instruction for Adolescents with Emotional Disabilities: A Technology-Based Intervention . Journal of Special Education Technology, 19-33. DeGaetano, J. G. (2013). Developing Logical Reasoning. Wrightsville Beach: Great Ideas for Teachers. Meadan, H. M.-A. (2008). Collaboration to Promote Social Competance for Studnets with Mild Disabilities in the General Classroom: A Structure for Providing Social Support. Intervention in School and Clinic, 158-167.

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