A Case against Genetically Modified Organisms and Foods

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Everything desirable in the world can be broken down into two categories; a want or a need. There are very few things that meet the requirements to be considered needs; water, air, sustenance, in other words things that are necessities to survival. If an item is essential for someone to go on living would you not think that it would be these items that people would focus on? Sadly this is rarely the case especially when it comes to food, there are many people who believe that an apple is just an apple, when there are actually 4,000 species of apples and that does not even include the variation on how or where an apple is grown. In recent years Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO’s have become a common product in our food even though research shows that it can have adverse effects such as cancer on the human body. There are too many people who simply follow what the label on their food says. Too many people who blindly trust the food producers. As the world has become more industrialized many people believe that food is still grown in the traditional way of man plants seeds, waters and weeds them and that when the plant has grown enough it is harvested. When in reality more and more plants are being created in a laboratory and being fed to people without being fully tested or proven healthy. We have no idea what the long term effects are on the human body when the very genetics of our food is being altered. The word sustenance is commonly considered to be interchangeable with the word food but in this case it is not, since sustenance only refers to materials or nutrients that support and maintain the body and its complex functions. There are many foods throughout the world but I would argue that less than half of them would truly... ... middle of paper ... ...rope.com Calderón de la Barca, A. M. and Magaña-Gómez, J. A. (2009), Risk assessment of genetically modified crops for nutrition and health. Nutrition Reviews, 67: 1–16. Harmon, A. (2014, January 4). A lonely quest for facts on genetically modified crops. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com Haspel, T. (2013, October 13). Genetically modified foods: What is and isn’t true. The Washington Post. Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/ Mather, R. (2012). The threats from genetically modified foods. Mother Earth News, Retrieved from http://www.motherearthnews.com/ The Food Institution Report. (2013, October). Labeling of GMO Foods Bill Detailed. Retrieved from https://foodinstitute-com Verhaag B. (2009) Scientists under attack: When Corporate Interests Control Research. United States & Germany: Denkmal-Films Retrieved from http://digital.films.com

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