A Career in Music Management

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A career in Music Management can be very rewarding but having a job in the music business will have it challenges, because the music business is one of the most challenging carriers to break into and even harder to maintain once the job is acquired.

There are generally six types of music managers that can play a role in the careers of recording artists, record producers, songwriters, and musicians. These include Music Manager, Professional Musician, Business Manager, Road Manager, Tour Manager, Production Manager, and Technical Manager.

Getting into the Business can be either easy or challenging it all depends on life situations. Unlike many other professions that follow a linear path to entry, beginning a career within the music industry can happen in a variety of ways. Some major music executives entered the field directly from high school, while others have advanced degrees in business and/or law. There is no hard and fast rule, “which path you choose will depend largely on what you’re exposed to, what your interests are, and the level of motivation you have. Of all the things in that list, motivation may be the single greatest factor that will determine if you end up in the music industry (or any industry for that matter). The path of least resistance is often the wrong path in this business. If you think you really want to be in the business, begin your journey now. The earlier in life you begin – generally while in high school or college -- the better off you’ll be". (Blumberg,R (2008) Breaking into the Business, Star Polish, Retrieved March 14, 2012 from http://www.starpolish.com/advice/article.asp?id=102&segment=7)

Some special skills needed Managers would include having a well-rounded understanding on how t...

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... can make up to $500,000 plus. (Pryde, R.(2012) Personal Manager. Careers in Music. Retrieved March 14, 2012, from http://www.careersinmusic.com/personal-manager.aspx)

Works Cited

(Pryde, R.(2012) Personal Manager. Careers in Music. Retrieved March 14, 2012, from http://www.careersinmusic.com/personal-manager.aspx)

(Pryde, R.(2012) Personal Manager. Careers in Music. Retrieved March 14, 2012, from http://www.careersinmusic.com/personal-manager.aspx)

(Tiwary,V, (2008) Management, Star Polish, Retrieved March 15 from http://www.starpolish.com/advice/article.asp?id=18&original=1)

Elam ,T (2008) Special Skills, Crouch, T 100 Careers in the music Business (pp138),New York: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc)

(Blumberg,R (2008) Breaking into the Business, Star Polish, Retrieved March 14, 2012 from http://www.starpolish.com/advice/article.asp?id=102&segment=7)

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