A Career as a Police Officer

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It would be fulfilling to be a police officer because police officers help people in the community and keep it safe. They also enforce the law. They are the reason why people can live their lives in peace. If there is anyone in the community that citizens can trust it would be the police officers.

Police officers have to accomplish many things in their workday. (Career Cruising.com) They have to write detailed reports and fill out forms.(Career Cruising.com) They are responsible for making sure that people obey the law and are kept safe at all times.(Career Cruising.com) They also observe the activities of suspects.(Career Cruising.com) Cops have to gather facts and collect evidence from many crimes.(Career Cruising.com) Many police officers duties depend on the size and type of their department or agency.(Career Cruising.com) They must conduct traffic stops and issue citations.(Career Cruising.com) On many occasions they must prepare cases and testify in court.(Career Cruising.com) Cops may work with special units or task forces.(Career Cruising.com) Police officers investigate criminal activity by interviewing witnesses and looking for evidence at the crime scenes.(Career Cruising.com) Cops help victims of many crimes or accidents.(Career Cruising.com) Many times they will have to respond to calls such as assaults, car accidents, or noisy parties.(Career Cruising.com) The police must work undercover when required to gain certain intelligence.(Career Cruising.com) They patrol areas on foot, motorcycle, bicycles, or in their patrol cars.(Career Cruising.com) While on a patrol, officers are always prepared to respond to all types of emergencies.(Career Cruising.com) A Police officer could be called to any type of situation wh...

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...Career Cruising.com) Police work is as varied as the landscape: from huge populated areas to remote rural regions, and everywhere in between. (Career Cruising.com) Each area could provide its own particular challenges and requires officers to have specific skills. (Career Cruising.com)

Works Cited

Careercruising.com.N.P,26-11-2013.Web.26 November 2013

Lange,Roger.Personal Interview 29 November 2013

My Next Move. National Center For o*Net Development.N.D. Web. 26 November.2013.http://www.Mynextmove.org/

“Police and detectives.” U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. N.P.29 March 2012.Web.26 November 2013 http://www.bls.gov/ooh/Protective-service

Rau,Dana. Police Officer.(Sted).New York:Marshall Cavandish Benchmark.2008.Print.

Warson.Stephanie.A Career of A police Officer (Sted). New York.NY: RosenPublishing 2011.Print.

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