The 7 Levels Of Change

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The 7 Levels of Change: Different Results for Different Thinking

The 7 Levels of Change provides a different way of thinking to enhance behaviors and processes. The author demonstrates throughout the book a seven process of change that builds upon the next. He believes that by thinking differently, being creative and stepping out of the norm is the catalyst to solutions and results beyond one’s expectations. Although the author uses the analogy of a new work environment to expound on the level of changes, the fundamentals can be used in both your personal and professional life.

Below each level is identified, along with tools and techniques to help one achieve their goals of mind shifting. The author himself has provided specific examples of his skills and experience as a change agent and innovator.

I. Level 1: Effectiveness – Doing the Right Things – starting new habits and ridding old ones is about change and takes approximately twenty-one days to establish. Writing down your ideas is a “do the right thing” tool that can help you reinforce the importance of ideas. This level is also about awareness and focus – being aware of the right things and then focusing on doing them. Effective thinking is “focused on an intended or expected effect, thinking that produces the intended result.” As with anything there are pros and cons and it holds true for level one. For instance, starting a new job means that you do everything by the book…what is told to you by a coworker or mentor. Because you are acting in accordance to the company’s policies and processes, you are doing the right things effectively, yet are apprehensive of doing things outside of the box.

II. Level 2: Efficiency - Doing things right – After mastering the way things are done on the job (level 1/effectiveness), you are able to move into level 2, which comprise of rules, guidelines, standard operating procedures and time. At this phase efficiency is the foundational thinking; “thinking that produces ideas with a minimum of waste, expenses, energy and unnecessary effort. Time management plays a major role in efficiency. Suggested tools such as a “to do list, a day-timer/planner, e-mail, phone logs, and e-mail, can help manage your time and build and enhance efficiency. Another form of level 2 is delegation, this helps to save time and open mental windows for creativity.

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