Flash fiction Essays

  • Describing What Flash Fiction Really Is

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    What is flash fiction exactly? Well, it really has no definitive definition. It is broadly described as, “a short story in miniature, a work of art carved on a grain of rice - something of import to the artist or writer that is confined and reduced, either by design or outcome, into a small square space using the structural devices of prose line and paragraph form with the purpose of creating an intense, emotional impact” (Masih XI). So in layman's terms a very, very, very short story meant to make

  • Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

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    stream boat on a river near London. "The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest" (1). Then the narrator tells his story in a flash back which he tells about Marlow’s experiences in the African jungle specifically on the Congo river. The majority of the story is told in flash back about the voyage in to the heart of darkness. Characters: The central character is obviously Marlow. He is a man of modesty and courage, which are not stereotypical traits

  • Online Movie Marketing

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    Online Movie Marketing Films today are now relying more on the Internet for success at the box office and exposure for independent films. Today we are also seeing the copyright laws being pushed to the extreme. It is not uncommon to see the flash of a website at the end of a trailer for a major studio release, in fact is almost compulsory for any major studio to have its own website on the Internet. The Internet is really the only completely world wide marketing tool. "Also if the movie proves

  • The Boscastle Floods

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    landscape and just drains away but very occasionally it has far more destructive effects. On the 16th of August this year, massive amounts of rainfall over the North Cornish coast caused a disaster on a scale that has not been seen since 1952. A flash flood devastated the small coastal town of Boscastle, this investigation will highlight the causes, effects and responses seen in the event. Heavy Rainfall ============== The root cause of the flood is heavy rainfall; to understand all

  • Flash Memory

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    Flash Memory PSYCHOLOGY TERM PAPER Memory is the main faculty of retaining and recalling past experiences. A repressed memory, is one that is retained in the sub conscious mind, in which one is not aware of it but where it can still affect both conscious thoughts, memory, and behavior. When memory is distorted, the result can be referred to what has been called the "False Memory Syndrome"(Thomas Billing Publishing 1995) : a condition in which a person's identity and interpersonal relationships

  • Argumentative Essay: What Are Standalone Films?

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    Imagine yourself in front of a crowd of 100 randomly selected people from all kinds of age, social, and culture backgrounds. You ask, "Who here has watched The Last Jedi?" A sea of hands shoots up and an excited chatter about the latest Star Wars movie erupts throughout the room. You then ask "How about Thor Ragnarok? Who has seen that?" A few hands drop, but the excited whispers and sea of hands remain. "Has anyone watched Baby Driver?" is your 3rd question. You see a significant number

  • Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot

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    -The illness of the two protagonists, that in our opinion is alzheimer, which makes them , specially to Estragon, not to remember what had happened the day before. 4. Style All the events in this play are narrated chronologically. There are no flash-backs, the story is lineal, because an act carries another act, as we can see at the beginning of evefy one of them: "Next day. Same time. Same place" When the two main characters speak is important to know that both say and repeat the same things

  • The Significance of the Beginning Chapter of Frank McCourts Angelas Ashes

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    and to have the reader immersed by the end of the first chapter. The opening pages provide a foundation for McCourt, himself, and for his perception, enabling the reader to follow his stream-of-consciousness sentences throughout the book. He gives a flash preview of the book’s content on the first page, giving the reader an idea of what he is getting into. McCourt then abruptly interrupts himself (which becomes common throughout the book) as though he has forgotten to mention some pertinent fact, and

  • Relationships

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    with them. Yes you’ve been there for them when they needed to cry and someone to hold. But you can’t understand how that experience affected them. You may think you do, because you know how you would react if that same situation happened to you. News flash: You aren’t them so it doesn’t really matter what you think. All you can try to do is just be there and help them through all the hurt and the pain, but sometimes that just isn’t enough. Each of you goes your separate ways with nothing but memories

  • Brief Summary Of Glider's The Arrow

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    brother with a heat gun. Golden Glider finds out the plan so she invites her big bad brother to help her out to try to save him. She pretends not to know what’s about to happen and gives the signal to her brother which takes out the Flash. Like everyone else, the Flash has friends with powers and invites Cisco, which he vibes himself to where Barry is at and brings him back to the lab. One day he gets an unexpected visit from a very good friend, Oliver Queen, also known as The Arrow. Oliver

  • Our Lady Of Fatima, Portugal 1917

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    Lucia stopped along the way and said that they should go to Cova de Iria. They eventually headed that way and as while resting after lunch, they saw a great flash of lightning on the horizon. They thought there was a storm coming their way so they started to head back to Fatima. As they reached the bottom of the hill, there was another flash of lightning and an oak tree near them suddenly became engulfed by a radiant light. Lucia and Jacinta saw a Lady of supernatural beauty in the branches of

  • The Flash: The Hero's Journey

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    walk through a journey to achieve success. This is known as the hero’s journey. The reason The Flash was so successful as a comic book and a modern day TV show is because of the time it was originally created, the 1940’s. Because it was written so long ago and it’s still successful today, what is to give credit for its success? The answer? It is because it followed the hero’s journey so strictly. The Flash follows the steps of the hero’s journey crediting the amount of success it had as comic books

  • Exploration Of The Principles Of Lighting Essay

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    course affects how much light is need. These are the following ASA speeds: â— 10-50 ASA - Early film, needs a lot of light. â— 100 ASA - Outdoor photography and indoors with flash. â— 200 ASA - Outdoor photography and bright indoors. â— 400 ASA - Outdoors and indoors, no flash needed. â— 2000 ASA - Highest speed possible with no light needed but results in a grainier resolution. The major downfall with using a higher ASA in film creating is that the

  • The Meaning and Importance of Dreams

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    that involves absolutely no meaning whatsoever. The dream is meaningless and involves a chain or series of events that are unrelated to one another and may be of people or places familiar or not. These dreams are most likely created because of the flash and mixture of chemicals that occurs during sleep. Many times these dreams are actually so bazaar that they have no meaning even to the dreamer. So these dreams are mostly just passed over and ignored. The second type of dream is one in which the

  • Flattery Holds The Key

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    new hair color? New outfit? " Your mom is so flattered that when you ask for the car she doesn't need to think twice before she hands you the keys. From that point on, you know that whenever you want something all you have to do is put on the charm, flash that big smile and tell a few white lies. After this your wish is their command. Why is this? Well, as you can see flattery will get you everywhere. Even Shakespeare knew the powers of flattery. He portrays in flattery in the play King Lear by the

  • The Relationship Between Confucianism And Buddhism

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    “It is often said that, aside from the impact of Marxism on twentieth-century China, the only other time when the Chinese looked beyond their own borders for intellectual sustenance was during the period when Buddhism was absorbed from India” (LaFleur 23). Why did this religion appeal to the Chinese when they disregarded so many other external influences? After all, being tied to the rest of the world by the Silk Road meant they were constantly inundated with novel concepts from far and wide. The

  • Subliminal Advertising

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    Subliminal Advertising 1.) On television, a common technique to influence a viewer is to flash messages or images for so little time, that it almost seems like a flicker that really never happened. Ways that this has been used is by flashing images that are pleasing to the eye, like a flashy color, or maybe even a picture with sexual innuendo. The cheapest technique, usually used by people, like car salesmen, is to ask the viewer a string of questions, which we all know will have the answer "yes

  • Disk Jockeys

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    founding fathers and the creator of the Quick Mix. He was the first person to change the arrangements of songs by using duplicate copies of records and manually editing/repeating the climatic part by rubbing the record back and forth (“Grandmaster Flash”). But now the DJ has changed. The kinds of DJ’s are different, the equipment is different, and the scratching is different. A DJ (disc jockey) takes many forms. The three most common forms are Mobile DJs, Radio DJs, and Club DJs. Mobile DJs generally

  • Argumentative Essay: Why Arrow Is Better Than The Flash

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    compared to the Flash. The Arrow is a wiser person. Even though the Flash has superpowers and the Arrow does not, the Arrow can still manage him. The Arrow has had many experiences that the Flash has not had which makes him a more responsible hero and savior. I think that many people will argue that the Flash is “cooler” because he has the power to change time, but over the course of the show, he has proven that he can not handle that kind of power. Even after everyone was mad at the Flash for changing

  • The Dead Boy At Your Window By Bruce Holland Rogers

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    Flash fiction is a type of literature known to have typically around 1,000 words. Limiting a story to 1,000 has some advantages and disadvantages. It allows for a quick and simple read; some are only a couple sentences long. Although they are all considered flash fiction, to be a good piece of literature a story needs to have depth, clarity and appeal. Providing all three elements in 1,000 words can be tricky but when done right they create a moving story. “The Dead Boy At Your Window” by Bruce Holland