Crazy Rhythms Essays

  • Character Analysis: A Long Way Home

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    There are certain moments every person goes through, whether one would describe them as joyful and sweet, or painful and bitter. I believe though, that some of the most life impacting ones are a combination of both, bitter and sweet. The memoir “A Long Way Home” depicts those moments in such a powerful way where we can all come together in unison and simply admire the beauty of bittersweet moments. What would one describe as a bittersweet moment? There are many definitions for it such as pain with


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    first-handedly, including such noble names as Hopeton ‘Scientist’ Brown, Philip Smart, Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry, Prince Jammy, and Yabby You, to name a few. His reign as the ‘Dub Master’ lasted for nearly a decade, but his innovative techniques, spaced out rhythms, and overall inventiveness have left a lasting imprint on the dub scene. King Tubby is dub, and he will never be forgotten. January 28, 1941 marks the day this emperor, Osbourne Ruddock, was born into the world. He was raised on High Holborn Street

  • Free Narrative Essays - Voices

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    it. It's not my thing. To really get it, it has to be your thing. The Musician: Not your thing? Honey, listen to me, music is most definitely your thing. You can't escape it. As the volume goes up, your soul goes under, submerged in tone and rhythm and rubato (if you're lucky). It takes over your breath. The Scholar: I think that's more a function of sound wave vibration than anything else. The Musician: No, think of it this way. When we play gently we aren't gentle with the keys. We


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    SING SING SING I used to always go over to my grandparent’s house and watch my grandfather go crazy over this “Jazz” music. He explained to me that it wasn’t Jazz unless it swung like the greats. I listened to a song “Sing Sing Sing” the other day from one of my Jazz collections that my grandpa gave to me and realized that their was so much energy and pizzazz in this music. He explained to me that it was all put together by a guy named Benny, and I understood why. Benny Goodman, born Benjamin

  • Blindness and Sight - Nothing and Blindness in King Lear

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    posed with the question of her love for Lear, Cordelia implies that there is nothing left to say since her sisters have already said all that there is to be said. This particular passage, with its usage of the word "nothing" also takes on its own rhythm compared to the rest of the text. In a later passage between Lear, Kent, and the Fool, this imagery of "nothing" occurs again. In the Fool's first speech, he gives both Lear and Kent a little bit of his own brand of wisdom. To that, Kent replies,

  • Ray Charles

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    Ray Charles Ray Charles was a revolutionary pianist and a soul singer who helped shape the sound of rhythm and blues. He brought a soulful sound to everything from country music to pop standards to “God Bless America.” His birth name was Ray Charles Robinson, but he shortened it when he entered show business to avoid confusion with the famous boxer Sugar Ray Robinson. I chose Ray Charles as the topic for my paper after seeing the movie Ray. After viewing this film I realized that there was a

  • Free Hamlet Essays: The Great Actor in Hamlet

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    disturbed he says, "As I perchance hereafter shall think meet to put an antic disposition on... to note that you know aught of me--this do swear".  (Act 1, scene 5, line 191-192, 201)  This means if I (Hamlet) act crazy in the future, don't take it seriously, I am just acting.  Hamlet acting crazy will help him prove that his uncle indeed killed his father. Hamlet wanted to know if what his father's spirit told him about his uncle killing his father was true, so he got the best actors he could find

  • Hamlet Was Not Mad

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    that will make you a little crazy, but not to the extent that everyone thought Hamlet was experiencing. If it weren’t for Hamlet’s insanity, the King (Claudius), would have obviously known that something was up with his nephew, and surely have him killed. If Hamlet didn’t act so he made his uncle believe that he was insane, then the King would have seen it in Hamlet’s eyes that he knew the truth. Think about it... in today's society, if someone thinks you’re crazy, you can say anything and get

  • Crazy Lanie

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    I fell into this group and didn’t get out until I found my appreciation for Katie. Throughout the year I kept Katie’s words in mind and they started to make sense. Seton Catholic was a small high school, so it wasn’t too long before everyone knew “Crazy Lanie”. That’s the nickname the boys at school gave her. Katie’s physical appearance and loud-mouth intimidated the young Catholic school boys, but her oblivious attitude caused her to be unaware of this. Katie was very opinionated and spoke out in

  • Orthodox Society

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    where we are today. Our knowledge of life in general would be nothing like it is today. We are where we are today because of people who came up with new and crazy ideas. All of the great intellectuals were anything but orthodox in their beliefs. Many people who have helped society the most by new ideas and inventions were looked at as crazy during their lifetime. If we are accepting of new ideas it is the only way we are going to progress. Complete orthodoxy also lowers our intelligence and acceptance

  • Ross the Crazy Boss

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    Ross the Crazy Boss EDS and Perot Systems were both founded by the same individual with the same philosophy, Ross Perot. In both cases, the companies grew to develop large client bases in the field of computer data processing. However, the story of Perot Systems was much different than with EDS. Ross Perot, having sold EDS to General Motors, had founded Perot Systems, to attempt to duplicate the success of EDS. However, several years after founding Perot Systems, Perot became engaged in

  • Crazy Old Holden

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    Crazy Old Holden If you really want to hear about it, there is alot of symbolism in Catcher in the Rye. This novel, written by J.D. Salinger, utilizes symbols to portray different themes. Of these symbols there are three that are strongly related to Holden. The operation, being a madman, and stepping of a curb all play a vital role in the novel by J.D. Salinger. Holden is a very disturbed individual. Every since the death of his little brother, Allie, he has been going crazy. Holden even

  • munchausen

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    backed up mostly by every heroic story I’ve ever read or seen before in my life. The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen definitely pushes the typical hero envelope, but even still, Seger’s idea of typical hero characteristics shown through in most of this crazy Monty Python type film. Seger explains from the beginning of her article that the hero usually, “begins as a nonhero; innocent, young, simple or humble” (Signs of Life; 318). This observation one finds to be false when it comes to the Baron. She goes

  • Allies Mitt

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    Allie's Mitt , Catcher In The Rye. Allie's mitt was a very important symbol in Catcher In The Rye, the mitt had poems written all over it. Allie was Holden's little brother, he got leukemia and died in Maine. Allie's mitt symbolizes the innocence that Holden yearns for , Allie's innocence was preserved in the mitt. Allie died when he was young, he was still innocent. By dying young Allie stayed out of the phony, adult world. In some ways Holden wants to be Allie. Holden wanted to preserve his own

  • Misunderstanding The Day We Were Dogs

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    Elana Garro wrote this story in 1993. The magical and the unreal of this story could easily be identified; during the first part of the story, the girls woke to find a day with two days inside the day. Now either this situation is unreal or it is crazy. A person can think of a day and then think of the present, or a person can think of the future and be in the present. The thought of two days being together in the same day is ludicrous; the thought of this statement being real is also ludicrous.

  • Comparing The Big Sleep-Characterization Of Vivian And Carmen

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    women in the movie to become more socially acceptable-Carmen was not crazy and Vivian was not blatantly seductive. Changes that the production code forces on the characterization of the women causes the movie to be somewhat lack luster. The book was full of painstaking description of the women that the movie completely left out.   The production code of the day did not allow the characters do be described as crazy or sexual. The production code expressly forbade it. Even

  • Interstellar Pig

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    Dunstable was an important port. The captain’s stupid younger brother was a sailor on his ship. And he went crazy and was locked in the front bedroom where barney sleeps for 20 years. When the Captain was out in the South Pacific they picked up a shipwrecked sailor. The guy they rescued bunked with the crazy brother. And the next morning the sailor was dead the brother had strangled him. The crazy brother was sentenced to be keelhauled but he did not die was just permently brain damaged. And clawed around

  • Hamlets Insanity

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    been raised about Hamlet’s over all sanity. He has experienced many things that might make one think he has gone crazy, for example, his father’s murder, killing Polonius accidentally, and his mother’s abrupt remarriage. Hamlet begins to act shady towards the middle to the end of the play while talking to others. In several scenes it appears that Hamlet has gone crazy. Many critics have varying opinions of this issue. Joshua Wells wrote an article that comparing Hamlet’s sanity

  • Psychology Book Report

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    that I felt are worthwhile. “Most Psychiatrists don’t use the word “crazy'; but that’s exactly how to talk about it with an obsessive-compulsives. Since they are so sane in every other way, you must agree with and understand how upset they are by how crazy it all is'; (pg. 6). This stood out to me and made me realize many things. Many who would look at people with OCD would think they are crazy, but in fact they are as normal in a sense as anyone of us is but they suffer from

  • The Nature of a Crazy Family in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying

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    The Nature of a Crazy Family in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying "My mother is a fish." (p. 79) I think that this statement typifies the entire family. There is something not-quite-right about all of them. Vardeman, as Cora Tull says on page 70, is "outen his head with grief and worry" for his mother. He has confused her with the fish because they both died on the same day. In his child's mind he cannot differentiate between the two. Throughout the novel he refers to his mother as a fish, as on