Comma Essays

  • My Strengths And Weaknesses As A Writer

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    simple comments: work on comma splices, watch word choices, do not put unnecessary commas were they do not need to go, and stick to the tense I am writing in. With comma splices I noticed it was more predominant in my paper, for example “I had never been outside of Licking County except for maybe a total of five to six times, I had never experienced some of the sights I was exposed to”, and with the help of my Professor and peers, I am going to nail down and correct my comma splices. Staying in the

  • The Path to Integrity

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    articles, poems, or sitcoms—need to be in quotation marks. All of the works in this class are short works except for Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Trifles, and Maus, so for the most part you will be using quotation marks. 22. In America, periods and commas always go inside the quotation marks. (The opposite is true in England.) Example: In the short story “The Swimmer,” the main character feels that . . . . Do not confuse this rule with note #12 mentioned above. A citation being inserted makes a difference

  • Choose The Item That Uses A Comma Or Commas?

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    uses a comma or commas correctly. If you come here when the moon is full the legend goes you can see the ghost of an old sailor walking along the shore. If you come here when the moon is full, the legend goes, you can see the ghost of an old sailor walking along the shore. If you come here when the moon is full, the legend goes you can see the ghost of an old sailor walking along the shore. 10 points Question 2 Choose the item that uses a comma or commas

  • Feelings of Incompetency

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    that of helping the student. I feel that what I am doing in helping the student is exactly what we're taught not to do, as far as assisting. The most glaring thing that I feel that I am doing wrong is that when I read a paper that is loaded with commas, I tend to point them out without much help from the tutee. Take the following paragraph, for example (which is a rough copy from a tutee of mine - who wasn't a foreigner to our country): Snowmobiles, on the other hand, are, for example, a very

  • Free Indirect Speech with Quotation Marks in Austen's Works

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    within a dialogue with other characters), in order to help the r... ... middle of paper ... ... her time (as quotation marks would not usually be used for IS). He views this convention as a transitional process in terms of the use of inverted commas as quotation marks. In Austen’s works, FIS is sometimes enclosed with quotation marks, which style is more visibly distinct than FIS without quotation marks embedded in the narrative. Furthermore, IS on rare occasions is also enclosed with quotation

  • Reflection Of Genre Writing

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    My biggest gain this year is not having as many elementary flaws. Though there are usually, a few commas out of place or not added; however, I feel as though I have gotten better. It helps that in class some of the lessons revolved around grammar mechanics. If I can see how something is supposed to be, I can incorporate it into what I am doing. As far as content goes, I feel as though I learned how to be more versatile in my writing. Instead of writing just one way, I have learned how to write according

  • essay

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    have been conflicted with as a writer is grammar. I tend to misuse commas a lot, which on my essays were labeled “comma splices.” In the first few essays that I wrote, I had a few of these comma splices. For example in my summary essay I wrote, “Julie spent two years in Indonesia studying and performing, she had become one of the family in the village where she stayed.” That comma should not have been put there. I had the same comma splice problem in my critique essay. I wrote, “She partook in an experimental

  • My Reflection Of Keeping My Strengths In My Writing

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    transitions and proper comma placement. I run my papers through and I always receive a poor score for transitional phrases. After submitting multiple papers through my score for transitional phrases has slowly, but steadily gone up. I have gotten a few papers back with ridiculous marks on them for comma placement. The

  • My Comma Essay

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    Directions: Put commas in each sentence as appropriate. Indicate which of our comma “rules” applies to each comma. Save the file on your computer and submit it in the CCCC drop box. Cindy barreled down the straightaway braked on the curve and punched the gas on entering the backstretch. Stealing chickens trespassing hunting on private property and tying cats' tails together were charges brought against Holly. In the back of my mind I remember having traveled this stretch of Maine before. Marandi

  • Example Of A Sentence Fragment

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    A sentence fragment is a sentence which is grammatically incomplete. It is incomplete because it either lacks a subject or a verb. It can also lack both. Correcting Fragments. The two most common ways to correct fragments are the following: Connect fragment to sentence. Or Re write fragment so it is a complete sentence Four of the most common types of fragments are the following: 1. Dependent word fragments: This fragment has two necessary components for a complete sentence which is a subject and

  • Reflective Essay: The Development Of My Writing Skills

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    struggling with comma errors throughout my papers, but through the course I have become more efficient with my writing, as well as improving my comma usage. I did not know how bad I was at editing my papers until I received feedback on my first paper, “The Effects of GMOs on Health.” I realized that I was not very efficient with my coma usage, because I had comma splices and run-on sentences throughout my paper. “Elementary” and “sloppy” were the terms used to describe my poor comma errors. I stated

  • How To Improve My Writing

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    continue to grow as a writer. A comma rule I quickly learned helping my grammar was adding a comma when you had separated an independent clause from a dependent clause. I learned to add a “comma” after the author’s name. For example, “by Jorge Borges, the narrator’s curiosity…..”. I added in the comma after the author’s name because in the comma rule c3 implied that a comma must follow up a phrase that separated an independent clause from a dependent clause. Learning comma rule c3 had improved the structure

  • The Negative Aspects Of My Writing

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    year that are undesirable to me, and any reader who may skim over my papers. In order to change these negative aspects of my writing, I must set a series of goals for myself too make my writing better than it was before, including trouble with using commas, and a series of punctuation errors. To begin, the first aspect of my writing that

  • Writing Style

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    elements of style are those that deal with commas. How to use a comma and where to place one can be quite confusing at times. With Strunk and White’s chapter 1 on Elementary Rules of Usage, they go into detail with examples for writers to better understand the usage of commas. Rule number two exemplifies comma placement when dealing with three or more terms. Strunk and White say that in “a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use a comma after each term except the last” (Strunk

  • My Mistakes I Learned Spanish

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    my essays. The mistakes I am facing today are comma splices, subject-verb agreements, and time.

  • Personal Narrative: How I Ve Improved My Writing Skills

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    and would fail to correct them because I wasn’t aware of how to. For example, I didn’t know how to fix a comma splice. I always became confused as to where I had to put the commas; not knowing where to place the commas would cause me to create comma splices. As you can see from my first essay there are many comma splices. At the start of my English 28 class I had no idea how to fix comma splices or even knew what they were. As I studied more and attended every class, I discovered what they were

  • Wrc 1023 Reflection

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    except for grammar. My 2nd essay had the worst grammar out of my four essays. I included misplaced commas throughout the essay. One example of this is in between “both” and “historically” in the sentence stating “These films must be at least 10 years old and are both, historically and culturally significant” (Cite essay 2 Borat). I then misplaced another comma in the following sentence. The incorrect comma is between “Kazakhstan” and “is” in the sentence “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make

  • Reflecting Back To My Writing In The Classroom

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    many different type of technique of writing for students and taught the class writing can be enjoyable. Throughout my semester in ENG-111, my writing skills for all my papers have weaknesses like Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation for fragments, comma splices, and comma use. I also, have trouble with starting topic sentences and sentence structure of the body paragraph. However, I have made strong improvement in certain areas like development for supporting paragraph details and the thesis statement. Whenever

  • Let's Eat Grandma

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    Why do we need commas, apostrophes, hyphens, quotation marks, and parentheses? Since we can't use or voice to write our expression, you have to use punctuation. Commas have an important purpose in writing. Without commas, readers would be unable to understand the writer's ideas accurately. It also avoids confusion, commas help as signals that give an understanding of sentences. If words are listed in a line, it needs commas. Example: He drew a picture with a pen holder, light bulb, deck lamp, and

  • Literacy Reflection

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    fix my comma splices, thesis statements, and capitalization. I have engaged in numerous learning material during this summer class. Many times when I thought it would be hard to work on those three developments I never gave up. I gain more positive feedback from my teacher because he pointed out most of my mistakes I made on both literacy narrative and comparison and contrast essays to help me understand what is it that I need to work on. My development as a writer became stronger. Comma splices