What Is Positive Psychology?

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Positive Psychology is the strengths and virtues a person or a community poses that lead to its optimal performance and allow it to thrive.This is a beneficial study that has the chance to improve the lives of many as well as preventing some negative situations. This review looks into what Positive Psychology is and how it impacts our lives. The sources I selected look into a broad overview of Positive Psychology, and it looks into deeper more specific aspects of Positive Psychology. This review has to lead me to believe that if we see ourselves and the future in a positive way it will have a positive effect on our lives. Lino (2017) clearly gave the definition of positive psychology and explained how it overall explained how it can impact our lives. Positive Psychology is important in the sense of how many time it has been seen that successful people have issues because of the lack of positive influence in their lives and that seeing ourselves in a positive way can help prevent or cure many mental illnesses like depression or anxiety. The basic idea of Positive Psychology is that this moment is better than the last and the next will be better than this one. There is a constant reminder that the past is in the past focus on being positive in the future instead of in the past. …show more content…

We need positive psychology because we are compassionate creatures and believe those suffering need help, but we are ignoring the chances to make good situations better. It is important that we help those who need it, however; with positive psychology, we can help, those who need it while improving everyone's situations. Positive Psychology builds strengths and the brings forward the importance of positive experiences and positive relationships. All of the things Positive Psychology can help a per acquire can help them become a more successful, more functional, and

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