Whale Rider Symbolism

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The world is full of signs guiding us in the right direction, symbols that signify the elements of our lives, and rituals that keep us grounded and remind us of the old. The movie The Whale Rider directed by Niki Caro is an excellent portrayal of the significance behind these things. In this film Koro struggles with the importance of tradition, Paikea attempts to prove herself to her grandfather, and their relationship withstands many struggles throughout the film. These can be seen through the various signs, symbols, and rituals in this picture. Paikea is very mature child for her age, there are many signs that verify this throughout the film. One sign that shows Paikea’s maturity is when she goes back to her tribe rather than leaving to live with her grandfather. After Koro claims that Paikea is …show more content…

The whale is an important figure in the Maori tribe and it is thought that Koro is much like the old whale mentioned in the tales of the tribe. “Our Koro was like an old whale stranded in an alien present, but that was how it was supposed to be, because he also had his role in the pattern of things, in the tides of the future.” This symbolizes that Koro is stuck in the past and refuses to change the ways of the old. The whale tooth that Koro wears around his neck is another symbol shows Koro’s traditional ways. Koro is always wearing the necklace and only takes it off when attempting to find the next chief. This necklace links Koro to the origins of his tribe, the necklace has been worn by every chief in the past, another tradition that Koro proudly upholds. A taiaha is a weapon that the men of the tribe have always been trained to wield. When Paikea, Koro’s granddaughter learns how to wield a taiaha behind his back, Koro believes this to be a disgrace to the ancestors. The taiaha symbolizes Koro’s willingness to put tradition ahead of the happiness of his family and tribe

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