Tumor Day Short Story

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Above all else, it’s important to realize that your entire life will change, when you least expect it. With this in mind, consider how a tumor will disrupt a sweet life. Prior to “tumor day” we lived a relatively quiet life, but almost 3 years ago this April it all changed. That morning, Eddie my older brother, awaken to the sound of mom’s voice. “Time to rise, you’ll miss the bus”, she said, opening the bedroom door. Startled, he sprung out of bed, dressed, grabbed his backpack, said: “I love you, mom and Tor, see you later." I watched from the kitchen window, he darts down the sun-filled driveway, he ran right past Mrs. Towne’s poodle, Grumpy. He was off, I headed towards the workstation to being the class reading assignment. Finally, an hour or so later assignment completed, I ate breakfast, continued with no further breaks until lunch. Soon after lunch, arrived the “tumor” call that transformed our lives, the call that made the sunny, beautiful day a cold, dark, gloomy one. Strangely enough, a cold, eerie chilled sensation came over the room at the exact …show more content…

All of sudden her hurried pace slowed, trying to steady herself reached out for dad’s arm. At the same time, holding her up and hugging me tightly, explained, “They found a large mass above Eddie’s pelvis.” Mom was listening intensely. He continued, “The mass crushed his pelvis, the intensity of the pain caused the collapse”. Their conversation interrupted, a nurse approached with the release forms for surgery. Mom yelled, “What!” and burst into tears. “Can you please give us a second, we need to discuss this, my baby boy!”. Mom, the strongest among us, now seeing her tears flow, caused my fears to bubble to the surface for a bit. Suddenly, my dad clapped his hands to refocus us that Ed needed surgery now. His hand shook trying to sign the forms. Those papers represented the beginning of a long

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