To Kill A Mockingbird Compare And Contrast Book And Movie

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What makes the novel different then the Movie? Though the movie and the book forms have many examples of differences and similarities that can gear to persuade people of choosing the one that best fits their overall style and likings. Both are great, but in order to get the best experience, it is better to choose one based on the general purpose.

The overall length of the story is different between the movie and the book. The movie is approximately 100 minutes and provides the general information about the plot. It also skips some minor scenes and provides a shorter time of transition. For example, the movie does not state anything about the encounter between Watson and Laura Lyons. Also, Mr. Frankland was non-existent in the film. Which causes the movie to be much shorter. On the other hand, the novel is much slower with more specific details that ultimately help add to the plot which helps the reader feel like they are apart of the scene. The novel is about 246 pages long and has long transitions between each conflict to give the sense of what happened before instead of zooming right to the conflicts. Both the novel and the film both have their pros and cons that can help distinguished which one really fits the appropriate fit. If you want a fast, concluding story that catches to the chase quickly and gives the straightforward, bottom based plot then the movie is the best choice. But if you are looking for a detailed story that is going to be …show more content…

It also allows the reader to know where, when, and what the scene in order to really build up the scene. However, the film is on more rapid pace that comes fiercy at the audience in order to keep the viewers on their toes. It is not too fast that is unclear to the audience but allows only little time for the audience to fully digest the information given to

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