Thesis Statement For Gun Control Essay

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B) Thesis statement: Gun control is a huge epidemic for the United States of America. The second amendment. The second amendment states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Which states that American citizens can be able to carry firearms. I am against gun control because they are too many instincts when a mass shooting will happen and it could have been promoted with strict gun control laws. For example on July 20, 2012 a mass shooting happened at the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. It occurred at a midnight premiere for The Dark Knight Rises a gunman named James Eagan Holmes through tear gas in the crowd and shot …show more content…

And television shows and even car commercials often come with a warning to “not try this at home.” Why? Because they know people will. What responsibility does the NRA have on gun control?The NRA supports and teaches responsible gun ownership to people of all ages. They teach classes on gun safety, self-defense, and proper gun usage techniques. They do not promote violence, in fact, they speak out against the modern society that regularly promotes guns and gun violence in a glorified way .Why does it seem the conservatives solution to every gun-related problem is more guns? No, they head to “gun-free zone” schools or movie theatres with “no firearms” signs posted everywhere. Criminals will always take the path of least resistance. And perhaps a school that not only drops the “gun-free” premise but teaches classes on gun safety and has a shooting range will not be high on a deranged person’s list to go to. Won 't criminals kill with other weapons if they don 't have guns? The essence of this question is whether most murders are planned, or whether killers more often confront their victims with no

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