Theme Of Hierarchy In Macbeth

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Hierarchy as a Flawed System “If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me”(1.3.157-159). Hierarchy wasn’t always bad, but in the case of “Macbeth”, leads to the death of many, and all for the fabled position of power, king. However, in history, it has proven to not be all that bad at times; with many great leaders like Alexander the Great having led his Country through many advances in civilisation. Throughout Macbeth, 3 kings are sworn in; that is insane, the time period is no longer than a year, yet power was transferred 3 times. Imagine if we changed Prime Ministers every few months; they don’t even hold as much power as a king. Duncan, Malcolm, Macbeth, Macbeth’s wife, the Witches (The Supernatural) and other all influence and play a part in the …show more content…

Many things are affected in “Macbeth” because of hierarchy, a man’s wife and child are killed, and people descend into madness; if the system was something like a democracy, the whole situation would have …show more content…

During the play, Lady Macbeth starts off as the “cheerleader chick” for Macbeth, egging him on, and supporting him through their twisted ambitions and conflicts. “Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be What thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it”(1.5.5-8) Macbeth has ambitions and dreams, and with the help of the witches (The Supernatural), ideas start to form. In conjunction with Lady Macbeth’s idea’s for her husband’s eminence, create a deadly psychotic force that causes the initial (and most of the other) murders. This quote from the second half of Act 1, shows how Lady Macbeth is more than insane enough for the both of them, as Macbeth can’t muster up the will, and stomach, to do what they both plan to do,

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