The Polaris Project: For a world without slavery

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D'Andre Lampkin once said, “When you are treated as less than important, you are still a human. When you are treated as less than worthy, you are still a human. When you are treated less than your title, you are still a human. But when you are treated less than the very thing you are born to be, you perish.” Polaris Project is an organization devoted to stopping human trafficking in the U.S. and across the world. Polaris Project was founded in 2002 by Derek Ellerman and Katherine Chon. This organization is based in Washington DC and was started after Derek and Katherine discovered a group of women being trafficked in the U.S . Polaris Project is a world renowned organization working to end modern-day slavery. They are transforming the way that individuals and communities respond to human trafficking globally. Polaris Project has an immense impact on human trafficking today because they have passed laws to protect the rights of trafficked people, restored hope by donating to victims, and change peoples views and beliefs on trafficking. They have used their nonprofit nongovernmental organization to make a substantial impact.

With their locations in Newark, New Jersey, Denver, Colorado, Tokyo, and Japan they have help pass many laws. Some being the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and anti trafficking laws in 39 states and have 32 states in the top tier 1. These laws have began to protect the victims in court by labeling them as victim and not part of the crime and have cracked down on the traffickers themselves by having, harder punishments, longer sentences, etc. The Polaris Project established a policy program in 2004 and since then they have worked across the country and contributed to passing over 100 anti trafficking laws at...

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...ference in the human trafficking industry. Polaris Project creates long-term solutions that move our society closer to a world without slavery.

By successfully pushing for stronger federal and state laws against human trafficking, improving living conditions for victims, operating the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline, providing vital services to victims of trafficking, and changing the views and the acceptance of trafficking survivors in the United States, Polaris Project is committed to combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery, and to strengthening the anti-trafficking movement through determination and dedication. “We could eradicate slavery. The laws are in place. The multi-nationals, the world trade organizations, the United Nations, they could end slavery, but they're not going to do it until and unless we demand it.” -- Kevin Bales

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