The Integumentary System And Skeletal System

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In this paper I will clarify the relation between the integumentary system and the skeletal system. During this paper I will address how the two systems work together to maintain homeostasis and what occurs when balance is not maintained between the integumentary and skeletal system. During this paper I will explain how osteoporosis is directly linked between both the integumentary and skeletal system and ways to prevent or yield this disease. To begin we will look at the integumentary system and its entire multitude of functions. The main components of the integumentary system are the skin, hair, nails, glands and nerves. For the purpose of this paper we will focus mainly on the levels of the skin and their functions. While the integumentary …show more content…

However some of the basic bone functions include storing of crucial nutrients, minerals and lipids, producing red blood cells for the body, protect the organs such as heart, ribs and the brain, aide in movement and also to act as a buffer for pH. With the differences in all of the bones there are four things that remain the same in each bone, their cells. Bones are made up of four different cells; osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteocytes and bone lining cells. Osteoblasts produce and secrete matrix proteins and then transport the minerals into the matrix. Osteoclasts are responsible for the breaking down of tissue. The osteoblasts and osteoclasts are both responsible for remodeling and rebuilding of bones as we grow and age. The production of osteoclasts for resorption is initiated by the hormone, the parathyroid hormone. Osteocytes are the mature versions of osteoblasts because they are trapped in the bone matrix they produced. The osteocytes that are trapped continue making bone to help with strength and the health of the bone matrix. The bone lining cells are found in the inactive bone surfaces which are typically found in …show more content…

Osteoporosis comes from the latin word meaning “porous bone”. If you were to look closely at a bone you could see there are these small spaces on the bone which is good, now if you look at someone who suffers from osteoporosis you will see these spaces are much larger. As these spaces become larger it takes away from the strength and integrity of the bone making it grow weak and thin. Osteoporosis is most common in women over the age of 50 and gives them a higher risk of fractures and or breaks especially common in the hips. While we know osteoporosis comes from a number of things it can be broken down to age, the hormonal changes most commonly seen in menopause and a lower intake of Vitamin D and Calcium. Age is the unpreventable factor that doctors or you cannot change. Hormonal changes can be fixed with supplements or hormone therapy along with ones intake of Vitamin D and Calcium. Hormone therapy, estrogen alone or the combination of estrogen and progestin have been proven to prevent and aide in the treatment of osteoporosis in

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