Teenager Stress and How to Cope with It

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Stress can be caused by many different things, depending on the person. Even though everyone can have a variety of dissimilar situations that can stress them out, it can be reduced by using the same techniques. Teenagers are generally under a lot of stress because they have not been able to experience as much as others. They are at the age where they must start growing up, and starting a life on their own without having their parents guidance as often.
The number one thing that seems to cause stress for teenagers tends to be school related. If your grades are not good, you will have a hard time with graduating on time and finding a good paying job in the future. Generally when you are a teen, people put pressure on you to find a minimum wage paying job and get a driver’s license. You are also expected to join after school activities, choose a college to go to, pick what you want to be when you grow up, and to do what your parents expect of you. This can be a lot of pressure to put on a teenager, but they are generally told to do all of it because they are growing up and have to learn to be independent.
Stress affects a person physically, socially, and emotionally. Once a person becomes extremely stressed out, they can have physical symptoms such as aches, colds, nausea, chest pain, and rapid heartbeat. Their social life may not be as good as it once was because instead of taking a break from everything and relaxing with friends and family, they may stay in and worry all night about the next problem they are going to encounter. They will begin to eat more or less, sleep too much or too little, isolate themselves from others, and procrastinate. The emotional signs of stress include feeling strong emotions such as frustration, wort...

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...n the person, stress can be caused by several different things. The one thing that everyone has in common about their stresses is the methods that can be used to reduce it. Teenagers are typically under a lot of stress because they are just getting prepared to go out into the real world and start lives of their own. Teens are at the point in life where they need to learn how to be more independent, and the people around them try their best to push for that to give them the best future possible.

Works Cited

"Managing Your Stress." Stress Management. Ed. Nancy Brown. Sutter Health, Oct. 2013. Web.
26 Mar. 2014. .

Smith, Melinda. "Stress Symptoms, Signs, & Causes." Stress Symptoms, Signs & Causes: Effects of Stress Overload. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. .

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