Summary Of The Rogerian Method Of Argumentation Or Not To Dress Code

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The Rogerian Method of argumentation is used in the article To Dress Code or Not to Dress Code to show equal sides of the argument on whether or not students should be told what to wear when going to school. The author had a more agreeable stance allowing for others to make their own decision on whether or not they agree with a dress code policy in schools. The author was also able to compose his essay to give an equal opportunity for both arguments to be correct. The Rogerian Method is an effective way of argumentation because it helped the audience form an opinion on what side they choose.
The introductory paragraph in a Rogerian argument always shows the readers both sides of the argument. In the essay To Dress Code or Not to Dress Code, the author successfully represents both arguments. The author established the problem with dress code and that it, “causes much controversy in many regions of the country.” The author ensures the reader that they are well educated on the topic and can defend either side if required to. The author shows respect for both of the arguments and each position taken. The author successfully introduces the argument to the readers using the Rogerian Method of argumentation. …show more content…

The context states the opposing view on the designated topic. In this article the context is, “everyone has the right to express themselves.” The author gives reasoning as to how the opposing argument could be right. He gives examples from his sources to back the context presented. The author gives a fair reasoning as to how not having a dress could be fair. The author states the pros of not having a dress code and how it would affect a schools staff by allowing them to forget about the stress of checking dress code of all the students each day. The author effectively used a nonjudgmental tone to state the context when using the Rogerian Method of

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