Social Worker Dbq

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During the 20th century, there was a high demand for products. Various machines were created to increase the creation of products. This lead to the need of workmen to work at these machineries. Many of these workmen were receiving low pay and working long hours under poor conditions. This created a controversy throughout the public and fought for their rights to receive higher pay and less work time. Labor unions did not ruin the free market, instead, they desired to improve the living and working conditions of the poor and abolished the exploitation of children. In document A, Samuel Gompers gives his Testimony to the House of Representatives of relations of Labor Work. Gomper states that many of the methods of production and distribution are being constantly made, but there are no changes being made within the conditions of the workers. Gomper is in favor of improving the conditions for workers. He continues to say that The American Republic was based on suffrage and sacrifice, and no right has been created …show more content…

Parsons states that the working men are peaceable citizens, husbands, and fathers. There is no sense of criminal acts in such a desire. The workers simply want less work and more pay, for this can only lead to improved conditions (Doc B). His testimony portrays the fact that they just want rights for themselves. They desire less work and higher wages. They are willing to go through the struggle for it and retrieve it by any degrees. Moreover, Child Labor was a huge issue during this time. Children as young as four years old worked long hours in factories under dangerous conditions. Children were useful laborers due to their size, which allowed many of them to move in small spaces in factories where adults couldn’t fit. Children were much easier to manage and control. They simply wanted all of this to come to an

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