Similarities Between Odysseus And Antigone

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Heroes emotional state can hinder the effects of their heroic characteristics, which in turn will manipulate their self-confidence. Every hero shares similar and different emotional tragedies, but these poignant feelings can turn heroes into epic legends. These influential heroes, such as Odysseus, Aeneas, and Antigone were faced with emotional defeat, but they evolved their heroic characteristic traits through their mental challenges. Emotional qualities not only built these stories, but built these heroes. While these poetic stories differ, each of these heroes were cultivated by their personal emotional events in their lives. First, emotions effected how heroes handle their quest, and of course, build their heroic attributes along the way. Odysseus, Aeneas, and Antigone were intertwined within their heroic qualities, and as a result, their political issues, religious testimony, and social challenges empowered their unique heroic traits. These struggles were life changing, and built the strength they needed to become heroes. Odysseus, Aeneas, and Antigone accepted their emotions to better themselves, and not to weaken their character. These emotional breakdowns allowed those heroes to conquer, and thrived to develop their fortitude. To explore this further, each character experienced emotional distress from the …show more content…

These emotional traumas originated epic heroes such as Odysseus, Aeneas, and Antigone to prosper and obtain their valiant attributes. Emotions motivated these heroes to mature stronger, and flourish personally because of their tragedies. These ancient literary characters has shown they were not defeated by their sentiments. Odysseus, Aeneas, and Antigone were not born heroes, but they are self-made from their emotional tribulations, which allowed them to achieve their own essential heroic

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