Sect Church Cycle Essay

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A sect-church cycle is the process in which a new religious bodies begin as a new religious movement and is successful in gradually transforming into a church. A sect is a less common high tension religious group, which is normally made of a minorities. The group of minorities often join together and are able to establish a group of people that have the same beliefs and work together to eventually form a established building such as a church. The sect is the first process of becoming a church because the sect goes from being a high tension group with little to no acceptance from the community to a church which has low tension and is widely accepted and celebrated in many communities. A church is a well respected, low tension establishment which …show more content…

People often accept a church into their community because churches are believed to bring safety and security to those that need it. A cult has a very high tension and has a low acceptance. Cults usually cause problems within their community and are usually not accepted because they often believe in the super natural. An example that was given was the cult called The Two. This cult believed that the world was doomed and that the only people that were going to be saved was the people that were highly disciplined. Those that were highly disciplined were believed to have been saved by God and would be granted safety and security. Those who were not disciplined would not be saved and would be doomed to death and sentenced to "hell" essentially. Eventually, those who have a high level of tension will be much harder to satisfy when it comes to their version of faith overtime. Overtime the group will grow dissatisfied with the abandonment of the original practices and positions that the religion once

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