Satire In Everyday Life

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Satire can be found everywhere in our daily lives, from our drives on errands, to commercials on television, or things we read, it comes in all different forms and serves a purpose of exposing wrongs in a comical way. Satire is the use of comedy with a judgemental attitude or “the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc” (“Satire”). Its purpose serves as a way for authors to expose the flaws they see in the world around them on topics they feel passionate about. There are few suggested ways of determining and analyzing the purpose of the satire being read or watched. Some of those questions are; Determine the subject of the satire, what is it trying to talk about? Then, what is the underlying message, what does the author want you to rethink? Look for the different uses of irony and type of satire. Is it Juvenalian or Horatian? Different types of satire is found everywhere our lives without noticing. Sarcasm and irony can be found in almost situations we encounter daily. Our daily lives are full of growth in all areas of life, and satire is one of the mostly increasingly used subjects that is growing through all media, whether it is through literature, videos or social media. Satire exists in …show more content…

It is important to understand the meaning behind the different types of satire because in most cases, it is used as a warning of what might become. Satire can be comical but also needs to be looked at as a serious topic because of the major underlying messages in contains. It can make huge impacts on how people view the world around them. It is everywhere and some may not understand it. People who do not understand satire will never see the real issues going on in the world around them, because they are too blinded by the good in their own little world. Satire continues to grow and we must understand as it does, or our world is

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