Reptilians And The Greek Gods Analysis

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David Icke expresses “They are our leaders, our corporate executives, our beloved Oscar-winning actors and Grammy-winning singers, and they're responsible for the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City bombings and the 9/11 attacks.”
Reptilians are believed to be at the center of every advancement that has every occurred in or out of Earth. Reptilians were even though to be present in Sumeria the earliest civilization. “Historian Professor Charles Hapgood squarely faces the issue when he writes that ‘today we find primitive cultures co-existing with advanced modem society on all continents… We shall now assume that 20,000 years ago while Paleolithic peoples held out in Europe, more advanced cultures existed elsewhere on earth.”’
“Likewise, the rise of …show more content…

A translation of the bible says, “The Nephilim were upon the Earth, in those days and thereafter too, when the sons of the gods cohabited with the daughters of Adam and they bore children unto them. They were the Mighty Ones of Eternity.” According to this translation, the Nephilim were fallen angels that were cast down to Earth.
The origin of these Reptilians have been widely debated. David Icke the conspirator is not even certain himself. His main three theories are most likely are that they are extraterrestrials, or that they live in the earth, or that they manipulate humanity from another dimension. ‘“These same reptilians have been occupying the bodies of all the main players in the conspiracy going back to ancient times,”’ continues Icke. ‘“The obsession with interbreeding within the [Babylonian] Brotherhood bloodstreams comes from the need to hold the reptilian genetic inheritance and therefore maintain the vibrational connection between the human body on the third dimension and its controlling force on the lower fourth.’”
Those who do not supports this theory do not believe that there is not a third or fourth dimension period. Many believe that they this is just used to scare people and to get people to follow their …show more content…

This goes to support the paragraph before this one stating how they a just pushing forth an agenda that they don’t even know to be true, but no matter what they know, they are still pushing forward this New World Agenda.
“Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) – Pindar, Bruce, Cavendish (Kennedy), De Medici, Hanover, Hapsburg, Krupp, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair (St. Clair), Warburg (Del Banco), and Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe). The Earth is divided between these 13 ruling families to fulfill a certain purpose. These particular functions include global finances, military technology / development, mind-control, religion, and media.”
A part of David Icke’s conspiracy is that these Reptiles transform into influential people or people with lots of power to control us. They essentially want to put humans in captivity and enslave us. The Reptilians use addicting things to keep us distracted on finding out who they are and what they are trying to do.
The Reptilians goal is to take over our world in a need for power and enjoy living their lives taking over other planets, a part of the theory is that they like to watch humans and other things suffer so they try to create a constant

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