Population Essay

1062 Words3 Pages

Robert Pedene

The world’s population has been growing faster and faster, which projects potential problems with maintaining world food and water supply, and altering biodiversity worldwide. Fortunately, there are practical and manageable ways to keep the world’s human population in check to make sure that overpopulation is avoided. According to the population reference bureau the world population is reaching close to 7,200,000,000 people and increasing fast. The University of Washington estimated the world population to reach a massive 11 billion people by 2100; this was even increased from the U.N.’s prediction in 2011 of 10.1 billion. The current rate of population growth could have a crippling impact on the future welfare of the human and the natural world in this century. There are about 78 million more births than deaths each year; this is alarmingly fast, even with most women having 2 or fewer children. That’s equivalent to the entire population of Germany every year.
The Department of Global Health and population (GHP) diligently helps to improve health education, research, and finds new ways to help maintain and plan efficient ways to manage the world’s quickly growing population. The department’s research interests span a wide spectrum of topics, including social and economic development, health policy, and demography; design and financing of health care systems; women’s and children’s health; prevention and control of infectious and chronic diseases; and geographic information systems (GIS). The department has a special concern with questions of health equity and human rights, particularly in relation to health and population issues in developing countries. The department’s approach to these problems combines ...

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Citations page

• Alvin Powell, Harvard Staff Writer
A close eye on population growth http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2012/10/a-close-eye-on-population-growth/ • Bryan Johnson, Possible Solutions to Overpopulation http://blogs.longwood.edu/johnsonba/2012/03/23/possible-solutions-to-overpopulation-2/ • Jeffrey McKee, Research and Innovation Communications
Outlook is Grim for Mammals and Birds as Human Population Grows http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/humanftprint.htm • Laurie Mazur (A Pivotal Moment: Population, Justice & The Environmental Challenge, 2010: page 11) http://www.howmany.org/big_picture.php • Molly McElroy, UW research: World population could be nearly 11 billion by 2100

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