Pivotal Moment In My Life

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Everyone has a story, a pivotal moment in their life that started to mold them into the person they are today and may even continue to mold you to the person that you will become, I just had mine a little bit earlier than others. When I was three years old my brother became a burn survivor. It may seem too early for me to remember, but I could never forget that day. Since then, I have grown, matured and realized that what my family and I went through has been something of a benefit to be and an experience that has helped me in deciding what I want to do with the rest of my life.

I remember the day very clearly, it was in late autumn and it was cold. My mom had sent my brother Ross, our friend Pete, and me outside while she made lunch because we were being too rowdy. Ross had forgotten his jacket but was too stubborn to go back inside and get it, so he stayed near the propane heater that my father had set up in the garage while he was doing yard work. While I was running around enjoy the afternoon in the way that toddlers do, swings and playing in the dirt, Ross and his friend Pete stayed in the garage to stay warm seeing who could stay close to the heater the longest. Apparently Ross won, because before he knew it his New York Giants jersey that our Grandfather had bought for …show more content…

When my dad was gone I had to help my mom and Ross out with some of Ross’ treatments, like the pressure garments that kept his skin grafts on. I learned a lot about the medical world from an early age which has been fueled by the science that I learned in school and has been nurtured by my love for it. For the rest of my life I hope that I will be able to keep this love going with a career in medicine working as a G.P, or a General Practitioner, so that I can help people stay happy and healthy just as my family got help so long

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