Piscine Patel: Pi's Journey As A Hero

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Pi’s Journey as a Hero Piscine Patel (Pi), just like any main character in a story, goes through the twelve steps of becoming a hero. The steps are divided into three separate phases. The ordinary world, the special world, and the return into the ordinary world. The first ordinary world phase contains the following steps; the ordinary world, which is where the character originally lives, the call to adventure, the refusal of the call, and crossing the threshold. The next phase is the special world. In the special world the character will make allies, enemies, and go through trials. Within this phase he will enter his inmost cave, which is an intro to the main conflict of the story. Another step within the strange world is the ordeal …show more content…

This refers to him selling the zoo in response to his disagreement and enragement at the Prime Minister of the time. Pi does not want to move though, this is known as the refusal of adventure step of the process. His feelings are shown when Pi remarks, “And two animals were being shipped. That’s how Ravi and I felt. We did not want to go. We did not want to live in a country of gale-force winds and minus-two-hundred-degree winters.” (pg. 111). Pi’s mentor for this hard time is religion. Religion will get Pi through the majority of obstacles through this story. Pi entered his dreaded threshold on June 21st, 1977 as he left Madras to board the Tsimtsum. Pi faces quite a lot of tests, meets enemies, and gains an ally or two. Pi’s first test is the sinking of the Tsimtsum, the ship he and his family were aboard. As the ship is sinking Pi is thrown overboard by the Chinese crew to lure a hyena out of one of the lifeboats, this fails. As Pi is in the lifeboat a zebra jumps in and breaks its leg. Pi creates, or begins to create, his first ally, Richard Parker, the Bengal tiger. Pi will make another ally in Orange Juice, an orangutang, who is killed by his enemy, the hyena. Richard Parker proves that he is an ally when he saves Pi and kills the …show more content…

Pi uses multiple tools at hand against Richard Parker in his training. He uses the water, the whistle, his urine, and even uses Richard Parker's feces to show dominance. While Pi trains Richard Parker he is facing his biggest problem, himself. He has doubts at times, but he uses religion to aid him through it. This is best shown by the quote, “I was giving up. I would have given up-if a voice hadn’t made itself heard in my heart. The voice said, ‘I will not die. I refuse it. I will make it through this nightmare. I will beat the odds, as great as they are. I have survived so far, miraculously. Now I will turn miracle into routine. The amazing will be seen every day. I will put in all the hard work necessary. Yes, so long as God is with me, I will not die. Amen.’“ (pg. 186) Through all of Pi’s ordeals thus far, he does claim a reward. Pi, after hearing the voice in him, begins a routine. He continues to train Richard Parker, which ends up being another aspect of the reward. Richard Parker is one of the other reasons Pi managed to get through all of what he’s

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