Persuasive Speech On Becoming A Teacher

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One of the biggest influences on the youth in society today are teachers, adults that students are in everyday contact with. Teachers are needed to instruct youth and students to be quality citizens in the community and to teach students values, morals and to educate the youth on how to become better people as well as helping adolescents grow into adulthood. A respectable goal for someone becoming a teacher is be devoted to the profession, take schooling seriously, and sincerely care for the students. There are many steps one must take in order to become a teacher including fulfilling general and college requirements, truly knowing what it takes to be a high school English teacher, and what each state requirements and job descriptions consist …show more content…

It’s hours upon hours of grading tests, quizzes, essays, and much more. It’s interacting with the students, understanding how students think and learn, and most importantly, knowing how to prepare students for their future, whether it be going straight to college after graduation, to the world of work, or to the military. Being a teacher is caring for kids and students and pushing each child to be the best person he or she can be. ¨… one theme runs consistently throughout every great teacher’s career: their job does not end with the school day… Great teachers motivate, inspire and lead. They interact with their community to affect positive change through their students and themselves. Great teachers change lives,” (“What Does a Teacher …show more content…

In Idaho, people wanting to become a teacher have to have a bachelor 's degree, and for secondary education, each person needs to obtain twenty hours in instructional technology and whatever field the person wants to teach (i.e. English), as well as three hours of reading credit, and six hours of desired student teaching credit. In addition to those requirements, “a primary field with 30 credit hours and a secondary with 20 credit hours” must be secured, (“Become a Teacher in Idaho”). After college, each person going into the education career field will have to pass an exam called Praxis II: Subject Tests and pass a certification

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