Obstetrical Sonographer

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Some might view the job of an obstetrical (OB) sonographer to be easy and unimportant, but that would be far from the truth. An obstetrical sonographer is an essential part of female and fetus healthcare, which started in the 1950s and has been used ever since. (Diagnostic) This semi-new avenue of medical service has been used to improve and save lives, even unborn lives. “The overall goal of OB/GYN sonography is to ensure that the patient or fetus is healthy and there are no abnormalities.” (OB/GYN)
Obstetrical sonographers use abdominal ultrasound scans to obtain relevant information about a fetus and its health. The information that is learned from an ultrasound can vary from approximate delivery date to gestational development, size, and …show more content…

Ultrasounds send sound waves into the body, which are then reflected by internal organs and returned as echoes. Those echoes are recorded and shown as a real-time image on ultrasound equipment. There are many specialties included in sonography, like cardiac, abdominal, breast, and OB/GYN. (Diagnostic) In the field of OB/GYN sonography, there are two paths. One path is OB sonography and the other is GYN sonography. OB sonography deals with pregnant women and fetuses. While GYN sonography applies to ultrasounds of organs like the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the uterus in the female pelvis. (Diagnostic) To become an OB sonographer you can complete a certificate or diploma program, associate’s degree, or bachelor’s degree. The type of education completed depends on the area of specialization. For example, if an individual wanted to have an administrational role, it would be more beneficial for them to complete a bachelor’s degree. The associate’s degree is the most common for OB sonographers. (OB/GYN) While an individual is gaining the information required to become an OB sonographer they will be required to complete 1000 clinical hours. Clinical hours are where students gain hands-on ultrasound experience in a medical setting, on live patients, and under the supervision of an experienced sonographer. …show more content…

The essential role of sonographers results in an ever-increasing growth rate. Between the years of 2014-2024, in North Carolina, the growth rate of sonographers is expected to be 34%, with one hundred jobs opening yearly. Alaskan sonographers can earn up to $100,300, but there are fewer than ten job openings every year. The national growth rate of sonographers is expected to be 26% during 2014-2024, “which is much higher than” previous years. (Ultrasound)
The job of OB sonographers is a vital one. They provide expecting parents with the first look at their unborn child. Sadly, an OB sonographer also experiences loss when a fetus dies in the womb. However, sonographers are not legally allowed to disclose this information to the patient, since they are not doctors. (OB/GYN)
OB sonographers share many things with other ultrasound technicians, however, they also differ in numerous ways. OB sonographers take ultrasounds of fetuses and ensure their health, along with the health of their mothers. (Diagnostic) Sonographers earn a starting out salary of $51,000 in North Carolina and earn more as their education and experience increase. (Ultrasound) This job is very important to the medical community and to expecting parents who receive their first glimpse of their unborn child from OB sonographers.

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