Nursing Communication: One Of The Process Of Communication In Nursing

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Nursing Communication

Communication is one of the processes needed in humans. Without communication we can not meet our survival needs and relationships in our daily lives. Plus it is also a means of sharing information or feelings between two or more people. It is used to criticize human relations including nursing career capacity. This communication process especially effective builds a trusting relationship between patient and nurse.

By other communication required to help the patient's verbal communication this is that words used among numerous individuals as a result their culture, age, education and socio-economic. Which is transmitted in a wide range of feelings. This should be considered by nurses so that they can help the patient …show more content…

Also called body language includes gestures, body movements, touch and appearance. This type of non-verbal communication to others says more about the feelings of a person who expressed it in words. As the personal aspect eg how to dress and ornaments that can be a source of information about a person's posture and gait can also be part of nonverbal communication in the way people walk and move it is indicative of depression or suffering physical and can also indicate feelings and mood. Facial expression as the face express different feelings of surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness and sadness are conveyed by facial expressions. Gestures may indicate a particular feeling or a certain gesture. This form of communication is also used for people with special communication problems such as the deaf, hands are invaluable for communication.

In the communication process that leads to a simpler way of communicating face to face. In this communication process and its components see as the Issuer is a person who wishes to transmit a message to another can be original encoder it involves selecting specific signs and symbols to transmit messages. We consider particularly pay close attention to facial expression, gestures, body movements, affection, tone of voice, posture and eye …show more content…

This person is the decoder which relates the message is received with all knowledge and experience of the receiver clarifying the meaning of the message. If the meaning of the decoded message matches what the sender attempts to transmit communication has been emotional.

Factors influencing the communication process are:

Psychosocial and intellectual development of language passed through phases throughout life. This will allow a nurse to modify the message according to the data.
Sex are differences between men and women in terms of communication may be differences in how to interpret and everything starts from an early age.
Values and perceptions that each person has on the behavior and perceptions are the vision of different personality traits, values and very different life experiences.

Personal space is a distance that people prefer to interact with others and in many cases we see that communication is altered in private, personal, social and public.

Territoriality concept of privacy space in hospitals when patients in the rooms you have to respect your privacy, its objects and marking

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