Negative Effects Of Emotional Health

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Emotional Health is making reefers to state the individual of the person of the total control of their information experience thought such as behavior, idea, and feeling. Emotional health keeps the person have a way dealing with some situation that could result with anxiety, loneliness. Emotional health keeps people feels happy and good about themselves. Most of people take their health for contributing to their physical health as well as their emotional health and they often times won’t do anything about it until problems appear. Maintaining physical health requires a lot of work sometimes and so it is with emotional health. Even though you might not always see the consequences of not being emotionally healthy right away, our body is reacting …show more content…

Some effects can include heart problems, musculoskeletal conditions, migraines, and headaches. Other effects that could arise include internal problems in our body. people who identified as being in poor health were more than twice as likely (60%) to report experiencing a great deal of stress within the past month. Eight in 10 (80%) of those in poor health reported that their own health problems contributed to their stress, and more than half (58%) attributed the health problems of a family member (Rober wood 2014). Every person has a different kind of stress. There are a several causes of stress, such as life, family, health, study and work stress. Forty percent of U.S. workers admit to experiencing office stress, and one-quarter say work is the biggest source of stress in their lives (WebMD). One of the most causes of the stress of college students is the examination and test, that makes us feel very stressful and nervous. Stress makes us difficult control our emotion. Our results suggest that even mild stress, such as that encountered in daily life, may impair the ability to use cognitive techniques known to control fear and anxiety,” lead author Candace Raio, Ph.D. said in a press release. Also, stress could make us gain some weight and that would be impacting our body and heart health. Also, it is contributing to the high blood pressure. It has been suggested that stress triggers …show more content…

Some people with mental illness will need some support and some of them they do not need support, others may need only occasional support, and still others may require more substantial, ongoing support to maintain their quality of life. One mental health problem that an individual some them experience could be through the loss of a loved or lose family. People who are already suffering with a mental health issues are going to find that the trauma of discovering that someone who they loved has passed away will be an even greater burden on their already mental fragility. Such feelings that one will experience after being told about the death of a close relation can range from depression, suicidal thoughts, feelings of hopelessness, loneliness and unable to cope with daily life. People always feels compassion with them specially the mental illness people. According to the American psychology associate research shows hardiness is the key to the resiliency for not only surviving, but also thriving, under stress. Hardiness enhances performance, leadership, conduct, stamina, mood and both physical and mental

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