NHSC Essay

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1. How will you contribute to the mission of the National Health Service Corps in providing care to underserved communities? All the various factors that lead me to dentistry amounted to just a part of my decision to become a dentist, the other half of my decision came from the simple question, “(w)ill this be a satisfying career for me?” A satisfying career, to me, is defined by whether or not I can use my career as a means to assist others and experience a sense of accomplishment and self-gratification in helping others. The notion of a satisfying career was one that came through personal experiences. Being a former Medicaid recipient, I was thankful to those that worked in the public health sector to help those in need, including myself and my family. Through my past experiences, I felt obligated to reciprocate the resources and assistance that I had received. At the end of my career, I hope to reflect back on my career and experience a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment for having helped others throughout my career; this is what will amount to successful career, from my point of view. What I am looking for in my career as a dentist is embodied in the National Health Service Corps’ (NHSC) mission to serve the community through unification between healthcare providers and patients within the community. It’s uplifting to know that the NHSC Scholarship Program exists to promote awareness about the underserved population. I believe the NHSC Scholarship Program serves as the perfect platform upon which to start my career and will steer me in the right direction in fulfilling my career goals. I look forward to making use of all the valuable tools that NHSC provides, including resources and experience, so I can learn how to best ... ... middle of paper ... ...communities, especially those that are in need and what the community needs are primary health providers. From the beginning, when I decided to pursue dentistry, my goal was to become a general dentist, the idea of specializing seemed unnecessary. However, I have a recent newfound interest in pediatric dentistry and may explore that specialty. I’ve enjoyed working with children throughout the various volunteer activities and I feel like there is a need for pediatric dentists in the underserved communities. By being a pediatric dentist as a part of the National Health Corps Scholarship Program, I would be able to provide valuable skills and resources to children and their parents, especially those with special needs and dental fears. While pediatric dentistry is a specialty I will continue to explore, the priority remains to commit my career to serving those in need.

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