My Career And Career Goals

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Earning a degree is a great step into fulfilling career goals and a pathway towards success. Nearly every successful career requires an employee to have specific knowledge, education, or a degree. Once you obtain a degree in higher education, career goals and options increase significantly. Setting career goals allows for extraordinary success and earning a college degree opens many windows of opportunities in life. After graduating from Colorado State University, my plan is to pursue a job in healthcare administration. Currently I am declared as a Business Administration major with a concentration in Human Resource Management and Organization and Innovation Management. Growing up, I have always dreamt of working in the medical field; however, …show more content…

My parents are the hardest working individuals I know; their work ethic is extraordinary and has motivated me to challenge myself to be the best individual I can. Ultimately my grandmother is what motivates me the most. After her passing, I have been motivated to do things better than the last time I tried, not to be afraid to take chances, and to always go after what I want. I have also seen my mother grow her business into something she never dreamed of, I watch her work so hard and put so much dedication into what she loves, while still making time for her husband and children. She has become so successful and my drive is to become as successful as her. My mother would have loved the opportunity to have gone to college, but she was not able to because it was beyond her and her parents reach financially. College was not a dinner table conversation; simply because her parents did not attend college and had no idea how to proceed once she graduated from high school. My parents know and understand the value of education, and that is why they sacrificed their own time to make sure that my future holds brighter prospects and more security than their own. They have invested their lives trying to make their children successful. They want me to have the education, so I don’t have to worry about my financial future. My mother was laid off her job of twenty-two years in 2010 and my father was

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