Masculinity and Femininity

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Masculinity and femininity are two terms, which have been interpreted differently throughout history. Both the males and the females have responsibilities and duties but these duties differ based on one’s gender. Gender has played a prodigious role in the economy, politics, and the society. Everyone starts making interpretations of the strengths and weaknesses based on one’s gender. These interpretations are not always based on his or her ability but is usually based on his or her gender. Males tend to be judged as extremely strong and unfashionable in terms of appearance. Whereas, females are judged as expensive and very fashionable. Males and females both differ in their abilities and their enjoyments. Fashion, entertainment, and strength are three topics, which are used to define masculinity and femininity in the 21st century. Fashion is a style, which changes along with time. Fashion is mainly valued by females. Girls are always on the run to the mall to buy new stuff, which suits the new fashion. Whenever, something new comes to the mall, which is related to the fashion, girls will certainly crave this item. Fashion has changed as time passes but the girls will always crave clothing that is related to the current fashion. For example, in this collage a person shows that females like fancy shoes and heels. However, males are not addicted to fashion. Males are never interested in going to mall; they feel that this is boring. Males are more interested in formal clothing such as suits rather than buying fashionable clothing. For example, in this collage a person put a picture of a suit, which is not part of the newer fashion. Males understand that clothing is just a materialistic joy. This knowledge has helped boys stay away fro... ... middle of paper ... ...ected to carry heavy loads of items and this is true even in today’s time. In the past women had almost no rights except to be a housewife. Most people say that the reason behind this is that women are considered gentle and delicate. For example, in this collage a person only includes pictures that are delicate and gentle such as empty bags. Consequently, females are not considered as strong as males because of there delicate characteristics. Males and females are generally distinguished from their nature and their abilities to perform certain jobs. Females are addicted to fashion but males are not addicted to this materialistic world. Males and females both have their own ways of entertaining themselves. Males are generally considered to be strong according to strength. Thus, both males and females are differentiated using the terms masculinity and femininity.

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