Love Essay: Love And Lust And Love

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We learn to grow to live and let go but will she do it. She is a beautiful flower growing up absorbing the energy of the world. Meeting that one is a moment she wouldn't ever forget. Their eyes meet in place of one another falling into the universe, time just stops. May this be the beginning of her future.
The young couple talk for hours, those hours turn into a everyday routine. Exposing one another about their dreams and aspirations, teaching the other a new thing. A deep feeling begins to grow is this the one? She thinks to herself. Things change fast rushing like a waterfall nothing to stop its current. He is evolving some days he feels like the one other times it feels like a game.
Love or Lust is the topic that always come to someone's mind who is supposedly “in love” but is hard to tell the difference. The feeling of being wanted can work both in wrong and good ways. That good love feels like a constant happiness even on bad days, she can get mad at him but learn to forgive in the next minute. …show more content…

Love makes you do crazy things, it's like a ferocious fire. Full of warmth and spark of life that is hard to get rid of. It's a constant battle between the two Lust and Love and the girl who didn't know where she stood. Now you may be asking who is Lust? Lust is a deceiving thing, thinking that you're in love but just infatuated with your partner. Lust is the epitome of destruction, building this acceptable within the relationship that having only Lust is okay, is not okay. Instead of falling in love with her mind he is falling for her body but she has no clue. She built this foundation and trust with this boy she feels that she loves but is clueless to his

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