Jazz Essay

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How Jazz Positively Influenced Society
I. Introduction
How did jazz impact the 1920’s? Accommodated with interracial, consumption of illegal drugs, and also had many tributes of rebellious women, yet it gave people a peace of mind and some hope after World War 1 and the Great Depression. Slowly abolishing racism, jazz brought together many people from different races for the same purpose, Even though jazz had been associated with interracial sex and illegal drugs, jazz made a great influence on society because it was the prayer and answers to the poor people of urban areas and jazz helped bring the public together as a union and not groups of different races.
II. When jazz first started if was an innocent gospel music, until it was associated with sex and drugs.
A. Jazz and drugs are often a mixture of destruction being that many musicians were associated with drugs like heroine, alcohol, and marijuana. (Jazz Culture, Pg,78) Drugs killed many musicians at a very young age. Paul Chambers of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania transformed the bass from outlining triads to playing intricate melodies. According to Frater, Jamie (July 8, 2009) He suffered from alcoholism, heroin addiction, and tuberculosis. ( Top 10 Jazz Artist Who Died Young, Lis)
B. Another example that shows that jazz had been associated with interracial sex and illegal drugs would be flappers. The word “flappers” was a word used to describe rebellious woman who enjoyed casual sex, drinking, and smoking while wearing clothes that showed a little more than they should have. (Flappers and The Roarin 20’s, 2011)
III. Even though jazz was associated with interracial sex and illegal drugs, jazz made a great influence on society, because it was the prayers and answer to the hard tim...

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...f different races is that jazz lowered segregation enough just to let blacks and whites associate with each other without discrimination. When the Prohibition Act on alcohol started, African Americans and whites were able to be in the same night clubs and talk socially. Some were attracted to the music and suggestive jazz dances that brought together audiences of black, white, and Hispanics.
V. So you can see that although jazz had been associated with interracial sex and illegal drugs, jazz made a great influence on society for two main reasons. First, jazz was the prayer and answers to the poor people of Urban area, But most importantly, jazz helped bring the public together as a Union instead of groups of different races. So what if jazz was associated with sex and drugs; it still answered prayers of the people and brought some races together in a pacifistic way.

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