It Is Time For IPI To Reconsider The Salesforce Organization Case Study

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1. Yes, it is time for IPI to reconsider the salesforce organization. As IPI has more key customer types than the number of product lines, decision should also base on people consideration or customer type. By having each region specializing the accounts according to customer type rather specify through certain product line, both buyer and distributors satisfy their needs all at one. It is a better way to delivery product to customers, customers would be more happier if they can finished their shipping list without goes around the store talk to different expertise of certain product. Thus, it less time waiting and no repetition of same customer asking same question to multiple salesperson, less cost of customer duplication.
2. Some of the advantages that come along with it organizing by product line that would be allows sales management able to control better and the selling effort cross the various product. Salespeople become more experts in product features and application. When product sales organization use line positions, it implies the position are part of top management hierarchy in sales management. However, along with advantage it also comes disadvantage, high cost and duplication both in geographic and customers. Having multiple salespeople doing the same job, it one of the main problem in …show more content…

Developing a new sales organization, which it calls market organization structure where salespeople are assigned specific types of customers and required to meet their customer needs. That the advantage for Western Region when it organizing according to these customer types: grocery chains and food coops, distributor, and etc. This ensure the depth of understanding how their customer use and purchase their products. Decreasing the number of customer duplication. However, the disadvantage of this organization structure, salespeople would be more pressure due to so many of customer types. In addition, the company would spend more money just to meet the customer

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