Is Antigone Still Relevant Today Analysis

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Antigone is viewed today for many reasons. Antigone teaches about why it is important to stand up to corrupt authority which is relevant to present day life because of police brutality, which appears in the media very frequently. Antigone is also viewed in present day because standing up to authority can be empowering, especially when used for the greater good. Antigone is perceived as a feminist figure because she is a strong female character that displays bravery.

Antoine's brother Polyneices died in war, and Antigone wanted to give her brother Polyneices a proper burial to honor him. King Creon was against the idea, which infuriated Antigone. Antigone went against the law to fulfill her own moral beliefs to make sense of the suffering of the situation. …show more content…

Her death proves a point that tragedy gets people's attention and makes people take action against the wrongs in the world. Antigone serves as a very headstrong character just like her father. She acts on her morals and values with powerful courage and presents defiance to corrupt authority.

Antigone is also relevant to the events in Syria because the story can be compared to the women who have lost their families and try to make peace with the suffering and loss they have experienced. People in Syria are coping with the consequences of violence in their area just as the characters in Antigone were. Antigone chose to not be a victim of her loss and died a martyr fighting for her beliefs.

Many themes are examined in the play such as chaos, order, power, and authority. Creon was offended that a woman stood up and questioned his power. Creon allowed his pride and power to get in the way of his authority. Antigone was a courageous female figure that Creon viewed as a threat. This is relevant to present day because women are becoming more outspoken in modern society. Gender roles created conflict in Antigone as well as the struggle for

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