Inkheart Book Vs Movie

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The book Inkheart was originally written in German by Cornelia Funke, and later translated into English by Anetha Bell. It is the first book in the Inkworld trilogy that was fully released in 2008. Its 544 pages tell of a twelve year old girl named Meggie Folchart and her father who can both read characters out of their own stories (Funke, C., & Bell, A. (2003)). The movie Inkheart directed by Iain Softley was released in 2009. Brendan Fraser, the actor portraying Mo, Mortimer, received a letter from Funke that said he was the inspiration for the character. This was one of the possible reasons why he was hired on for the role. Eliza Hope Bennet, portraying Meggie, was originally supposed to be a newer actress, but it was decided that she would be the best (Softley, I. (Director). (2009). Inkheart [Motion picture on DVD].) …show more content…

In the middle of the movie the group that was captured by Capricorn, the villain, only escapes one time, whereas in the book they escape twice. Near the end of the movie there are two people trapped in a cage, Fenoglio, the author, and Meggie’s mother Resa, who are to be eaten by the Shadow, but in the book there are three prisoners, Basta; Capricorn’s right hand man, Resa, and Elinor, Resa’s aunt (Ebert, R. (2009, January 21). Inkheart Movie Review & Film Summary). Other than these three main differences the movie and the book are not all that contrasting. The movie was, of course, based off the book, but movies cut out or change some scenes in the story line because inserting all of the tiniest details could make the movie longer than it needs to be. It would also make the movie more expensive to those who want to watch the movie and to those who pay to create it (Ebert, R. (2009, January

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