How did Alexander the Great Accomplish his Military Feats at Such a Young Age?

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Alexander the III of Macedonia more commonly known as Alexander the Great might well be the greatest military leader of all history. “A great conqueror, in 13 short years he amassed the largest empire in the entire ancient world — an empire that covered 3,000 miles.” (“Alexander the Great”) (See Appendix D). His military feats were incredible. Alexander was able to accomplish these great military feats at such a young age is because he was brought up in a military family and led his group of soldiers at a young age, and because he was very passionate and full of courage in everything that he did. One of the reasons for Alexander’s military success is because he was brought up by a great military leader. Alexander’s father was King Phillip II of Macedonia, a great military leader himself. When Alexander was a young man, around 16, his father realized his potential and pulled him out of school and put him out on the field to learn (McGill). He also got him a tutor, one of the best in all of history, Aristotle. Alexander’s young life will prove to be one of the largest reasons for his...

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