History Of The Chicano Pachuco Culture

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My visit to this Museum got my skin with goose bumps from the excitement of entering an awesome place that has lots of history, information, and exhibits from my culture and roots. I was enjoying every moment by walking around all those displays, and seeing how everything started here on this side of the border.
One thing that got my attention instantly was the Braceros History and Zoot Suit “Pachuco” showcase. I think they both are very well related to Chicano Pachuco Culture. Pachuco style represents a notorious expression in the Chicano culture. It’s also about identity, which reminds me about a Mexican movie played by La India Maria, called “Ni de aqui ni de alla.” I think Mexican American youth back in the 1950’s were feeling the same way.
Chicano history began with a massive immigration of Mexicans to California, in the United States, around 1850. Thanks to the Gold Rush and the construction of the railroads in the 1870’s, the expansion in numbers of Mexicans arriving to the Los Angeles California area was made possible. The third massive migration was around the 1940’s with a program called “braceros”. This program recruited hundreds of Mexicans to work in the fields of California. After years of hard work, families went back to Mexico, because of the lack of migratory papers that allowed them and their families to live in the country. Others decided to stay, because they already had children born in the country. Mexican families settled down at the south of the border with Mexico, in areas like Texas, Arizona, and California. Because of the constant search for work on the fields, Mexican communities were continuously informed about any change on their life style around their communities, making possible the spread an...

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...for them to go back in time. Without a doubt, I am sure they are going to recall several things that was from their own past. Throughout the whole museum you can see different topics about our own history and heritage. It’s not enough in a limited period to be able to appreciate and listen to all the audio or comprehend all the information that they have transmitted through the available exhibits. It’s sad that I been here in this city for a very long time and was not aware of this cultural museum. Now that I recognize the abundant amount one can learn about Mexican heritage by visiting La Plaza de Cultura y Artes museum I will spread the word to my associates, friends, and family. It absolutely makes you appreciate the Mexican legacy and allows you to see all the history that has taken place in recent times within those partitions throughout the entire museum.

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