Historical Accuracies of The Cinderella Man

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James J. Braddock possesses an enticing story of overcoming obstacles and denying defeat. Braddock was an amateur boxer before 1929 and was fairly successful. After the Stock Market Crash his career took a downturn. He lost many matches and crushed his right hand. Later, desperate for money, he participates in another match. Surprisingly he wins and becomes next in line to fight the heavyweight champion Max Baer. In a great upset he defeats the defending heavyweight champion. James Braddock’s story is told in the film: The Cinderella Man. The Cinderella Man refrains from adding inaccurate thematic elements and accurately portrays James J. Braddock’s life, his boxing career, and the Great Depression.

The Cinderella Man accurately portrays James J. Braddock’s family life. During the Great Depression, Braddock underwent many struggles including feeding his family. The film notes Braddock’s care and concern for his children influencing him to give them his food (The Man 1). Braddock’s publicized self-sacrificing nature awes audiences at his genuine character. The Cinderella Man also correctly shows Mae Braddock’s participation, or lack thereof, in her husbands boxing career. The film correctly demonstrates Mae’s fear for her husband’s well-being influences her absence from Braddock’s boxing matches (Historical Accuracies 2). Mae’s support and concern for her husband is accurately portrayed throughout the film. Braddock’s family values were accurately portrayed throughout the film. He put his family first by sacrificing meals, working, and supporting them. The film accurately portrayed Braddock’s family values and emphasized how family should come first. The Cinderella Man demonstrates Braddock’s family values throu...

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Levine, Linda. “The Labor Market During the Great Depression and the Current Recession”. 19 June 2009. 6 March 2010. < http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/R40655_20090619.pdf>.

The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers."The Great Depression." Teaching Eleanor Roosevelt, ed. by Allida Black, June Hopkins, et. al. (Hyde Park, New York: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, 2003). 6 March 2010. .

“The Man”. 6 March 2010. .

“Social Issues 1929 – 1942”. American Public University. 6 March 2010. .

“The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1940s”. 06 March 2010. .

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