Hammurabi's Code Dbq Essay

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Hammurabi’s Code was not just b/c of it’s personal injury law. In Document E if you look law 196 and law 218, in those laws they both end in some type of physical punishment. Law 196 states, “If a man has knocked out the eye of a free man, his eye shall be knocked out.” That is a harsh punishment, the could have done it by accident, they should just put that man in some type of jail until the learns his lesson, if does decide to do it again the sould be in jail for the rest of life, so the people have a piece of mind knowing that he is no longer on the streets. In law 218 it says, “If a surgeon has operated with a bronze lancet on the body of a free man for a serious injury, and has caused his death, … his hands shall be cut off. ” I don't think that it was the doctor's fault, he did what he could. The patient did probably get their too late for his life to be saved. In both of these laws you can see that they are very harsh, even for their time, Hammurabi made sure that if you broke you would not do it again, hopefully. I hate that how a lot of Hammurabi's laws usually ended up in death, because …show more content…

If this ruler does not esteem my words, … if he destroys the laws which I have given, … may the great gods of heaven and earth … inflict a curse … upon his family, his land, his warriors, his subjects, and his troops.” Hammurabi made sure the upcoming king would not change the laws by saying that the gods would put a curse on the king and any of his subject. In document A it says that there are 282 laws. If I lived back then, i am pretty sure everybody would at least break 5 laws, because 282 laws is a lot to remember, even if they have it in writing in the middle of the city. Also in document A it says that the gods choose the next king and give him the right. Both of these laws end in a serious punishment, that could be a little too harsh. Also there are even more harsh punishments, but Hammurabi is going way too far with these

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