HIV: HIV And Its Impact On The World

2016 Words5 Pages

HIV is a battle that has existed for a long time and is still an uphill battle for those affected. This sickness has not only hurt the people but it has grown to affect the economy and politics of numerous countries and regions like America and South Africa. Therefore, the stance on the resilience has grown over the past forty years. It has existed and grown and has come to be one of the biggest social issues in the world. It has become so intertwined with society that it has had lasting affects on all divisions of the world and those divisions are economic divisions, political division, and social divisions within Africa, America, and Asia.
AID scientifically is a very confusing disease to solve because its hard to fight a disease that literally kills off the fighters. Goff states:
Human immuno-defficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), the causative agent of acquired immuno-defficiency (AIDS), is a lentivirus, a member of a subfamily of retroviruses with complex regulation of viral gene expression and replication. HIV-1 is an unusual retrovirus. Whereas most retroviruses are relatively benign and rarely kill the infected cell, HIV-1 is cytopathic and cytotoxic, and high levels of viral gene expression often result in the death of the infected cell and even neighboring cells (Goff 53).
Therefore, these viruses differ immensely from other viruses because of their intent. Most viruses attack different cells and are thus left open to be destroy by T- cells and white blood cells. However, they fight back leaving them as one of the most complicated viruses and most devastating virus that has limited science research over the past 30 years. It has been noted that AIDS was seen as mostly transferred through homosexuals ...

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...ed sickness that is homosexuality. The government chose to ignore it and thought to let it run its course. The gay community would not stand for that and stood up to the sickness. They banded together to raise money and set up proper medical sites to try and solve this disease. It was good, but it only really helped in cities with predominately gay neighborhoods like San Francisco and New York. Then, cases of heterosexuals were acquiring the disease and the government finally decided to intervene, but only for heterosexuals still. They still felt the need to ignore the problem for homosexuals and would provide no funds to those foundations. The gay community, once again banded together and worked to stand up to that horrible prejudice. It indeed was reversed and funding started to be properly given to all foundations to help cure this horrible disease (Leber).

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