Greek Influence On Modern Society

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The World Wasn’t Always This Modern Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome cultural achievements have helped shape the modern world. Many of the things in the modern world can be connected to both the Greeks, and the Romans. Both have helped shape, and influence the way we live today, and the way we think today. The Greek, and the Romans had many useful ideas, and aspects of culture that helps us live our day to day life. Government, architecture and engineering, and art, are big topics that can be connected to the modern world. Government is an important aspect in every civilization, different civilizations have some similarities and some differences. Ancient Greece had different types of government in each city-state, Sparta had monarchy, which was run by two kings. Both kings came from …show more content…

Even though Greek art has an impact on today’s art, Greek art was influenced by Persian and Egyptian art. The aim of Greek art was to express true ideals. To do this, the Greeks used balanced harmony, and symmetry in their art. The Greek, and The Romans have very similar art styles. Portraits were a big parts of the Greeks, and the Romans art, that is still done to this day. The Greek, and the Roman sculpted emperors, and famous people, this is something that we still do to this day. Both the Greeks, and the Romans engraved gemstones as personal insignia to mark documents, the way we use signatures today. Interior decor is also a type of art the both the Greek, and the Roman used, that we still you today. The decor was very simple, and they used the colors of nature. In both Roman, and Greek homes you will find furniture made out of wood. They relied on fabrics found in nature, fur, silk, leather, wool, and linen. Many modern home include at least one of the style of decor the Greek, and the Romans had, many homes include all of the characteristics

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