Goal Setting And Impression Management Essay

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Goal setting is the process of identifying the goals you want to achieve and what you will do in order to achieve them (Mitchell, 2015). When you set a goal you make a plan in order to achieve that goal and decide what is needed to get there. Goals are something that you can’t do just yet but are working towards being able to do. ‘Impression management is self-perception that you wish to display at the workplace. It’s how you wish others to view you. Most individuals wish to be viewed as competent, capable, able and willing to set goals and achieve them within a certain time frame. Impression management is a conscious or subconscious process in which people attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object or event. They do so by regulating and controlling information in social interaction’ (Wikipedia, 2018). Goal setting is related to Impression Management, because it gives the employee focus on what they wish to achieve. The idea of impression management is that the person is directly responsible for the role they project into the world. They are responsible for how they view themselves and how others view them. It is the status quo that …show more content…

Employees set goals based on job role, business need, personal development or personal target performance and also job specific requirements. Goal setting is also dependent on the drive, personality, attitude, appearance, self-perception, persona, motivations and priorities of an individual. The questions of goal setting are another component. An employee has to understand why the goal is being set and what the expectations are. Also, who is setting the goal: self-set, by the organization, or by the department? What are the measures going to be and how does the plan outlines milestones to achieve the goal? The overall mission must be clear and help employees understand why, what and how their work contributes to a greater

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