First Person Narration In Pat Conroy's The Lords Of Disciple

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In Pat Conroy’s, The Lords of Disciple, first person narration is used to develop the story. Seth Reilly, a writer and fiction author, talks about what first person narration is. Reilly states in his article for aspiring novelists, “First-person perspective is writing from the point of view of your narrator, putting across the world as they see it” (Reilly). While first person narration puts the reader in the narrator’s head, this point of view has multiple advantages and disadvantages. When talking about the advantages of first person narration Reilly states, “first person can effectively communicate how each moment feels; delivering sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, all through the prism of your narrator” (Reilly). This is one of the …show more content…

Will states, “I was scared to death to get in that ring. Physical courage has never been my forte. I go for moral courage, because with moral courage you don't get your face beat in or your eyes gouged out” (Conroy 251). One example of how Will has physical courage is when he confronts Colonel Berrineau. He yells at The Bear because he believes he has been lying to him about the ten. This takes physical courage and bravery because he yells at an elder, he is supposed to respect at all times. Another example of Will having physical courage is when he confronts the ten at the general’s house. He has both physical courage and bravery as he faces the ten and throws the brick in the window, and putting himself and his roomates in danger. When the ten finally catch up to Will, he shows his physical courage and bravery and they begin to fight. Lastly, Will shows physical courage and bravery, as he goes into General Durrell’s office and confronts him. As he storms into the office, Will demonstrates his courage and bravery. He is going against all of his training by storming in there. Furthermore, Will screams at him and demands requests from him. He demonstrates physical courage and bravery in multiples places throughout the book. Overall, Will McLean is not a reliable narrator because he demonstrates physical courage and bravery, when he says he doesn't have …show more content…

I enjoy the first-person narration because it puts you in the readers head. Throughout The Lords of Discipline, I got to really visualize what Will had going through is head at any given point. First person narration helped me to understand the book further. I enjoyed The lords of Discipline. I enjoyed the plot twists and the small details. I believe that Pat Conroy did an excellent job in writing The Lords of Discipline. I would recommend The Lords of Discipline to a friend because the book keeps you on your

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