Fashion Trends In The 1920s

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At the end of World War I, new fashion brought a great feeling of independence and liberty to the new people. The 1920’s was a time for liberty, diversity, and a movement to the new modern era. It was a time when new fashion trends joined the era. This was a huge time period because women got the right to vote and alcohol was prohibited. The era of fashion in the 1920’s included new men, women, and children styles. Men’s design ended up with various formal night and day garments (Alchin). “A time for men to dress in their fancy evening outfit was meant for going to a wedding, dancing at a ball, or going to a fancy dinner”(Sessions) . An evening outfit for men typically included a tuxedo, white gloves, a bow tie, a top hat, and black leather …show more content…

The wealthy women were able to wear almost five outfits a day because they had the money. They also did the laundry so they didn’t mind washing their own clothes. A poor women would only wear a cotton housedress for the whole day. A home outfit for women was very simple it usually included a cotton dress, cotton stockings, oxford heels, and then a homemade apron on top of all of it. Today, women typically wear sweatpants, shorts, t-shirt, and tennis shoes when they are home. Their outing outfit was a walking skirt, and oxfords. Today, when women go out they would normally wear what they did when they are home,but some may change into jeans. An afternoon outfit would be a tea dress, pumps, stockings, gloves and hats. Proper etiquette would be if you are hosting a party you do not wear a hat, but wear a long fancy dress. Today, an afternoon outfit for a lady would consist of a dress, skirt, dress pants, dress shirts, flats and heels. The ladies had one unique and beautiful style that emerged during this time period and that was the flapper style (Sessions) . Outfits changed with ladies’ changing parts in the advanced society, especially inside the possibility of flexibility for ladies. The outfit a flapper wore usually consisted of a black dress, with a dropped waist and was fringed. They had lots of beadings and sequins that would really help them stand out in a crowd. The dresses would be considered very

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